T.M.L 23

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Both Anthony and Destiny agreed to co-parent for the sake of their babies. Ant is back on working on new music and trying to get his life back on track.

Far as June, he hasn't heard nothing from her since he went to go take the test. He figures once she goes into labor she will call him to be there.

As for the rest of the crew, they have their own little situations to deal with. By Chris trying to run Brittany and thinking she's going to leave him, which Brittany love Chirs too much to even leave.

Lucas and Jasmine are being the best parents they can to little Lucita. All Jasmine wants is Lucas to be home instead of hanging around the studio most the time, she understands his passion for music but family always comes first.

Since Cordell came back in the picture, he's been catching up on what he missed. Little does everyone don't know is Cordell has his reason for coming back to California and it wasn't because he "misses his friends" it's more behind that and he's willing to achieve on what he wants.


Today was an important day for me and Bri was on some other shit.

"What's going on with you"? I ask her as I got dress.

"Nothing" she mumble putting on her dress.

If she was going to be moody during the whole day she mind as well stay home. I don't need negative vibes not today.


I see things done change since I left, the whole time I thought everything was going to be the same. I text Destiny to meet me at Olive Garden so we can talk, I hope her and Anthony get back together.

By the time I glance at my phone Destiny slid in the booth sitting in front of me. All I could think was why did Ant cheat on her.

"Okay what's going on Dell"?

"Not much I need to talk to you though and before you ask no it's not about you and Ant".

"Oh okay good cause I wouldn't hesitate to get up and leave".

"Nah no worries" we order our food then start talking.

"So who is this special lady"?

"She's more than special to me Des, I can treat her better than the nigga she's with now".

"Have you talk to her about this".

"I'm telling her now" Destiny looked confused when I said that.

"Come again say what? Where and who"?

"You Des....I want you".


During the whole time I was with Chris many people kept coming up to him shaking his hand and getting pictures, you'll think he was a celebrity or something. Many people love his art work and some even bought half of his paintings.

I felt myself getting a little dizzy so I excuse myself from the crowd going out the door.

Once I was outside I felt a little better, I start looking through ny purse for a piece of gum.

"You good"? Chris ask from behind me.

"Yeah just needed some air".

"Are you sure cause this morning you was acting shady with me".

He don't even know the half of it.

"I'm sorry about that, I got alot on my mind".

"Bri you know you can tell me anything that's bothering you".

"Yeah I know".

"Wanna talk about it"?

"Not right now this is your day we can talk about it once we get home".

I really hope he leave it alone for now cause I'm not sure how he's going to take the news once I tell him.

"Nah you come first that can wait plus it's over so you good now tell me what's bothering you".

Here goes nothing.

"Well Chris I think I'm pregnant".

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