T.M.L 24

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"Hold up wait, rewind everything back" I know Cordell didn't sit up here and say that he want me, he couldn't be serious.

"Are you okay"? He ask.

"No I'm not, what made you say something crazy like that".

"Its not crazy if I really mean what I said. I want you Destiny, I can treat you better than Ant is doing".

"That's your best friend".

"I don't give a damn, I always had a thing for you every since you came in the picture".

Why all of a sudden he is telling me this? I look at the time on my phone to see it was almost about that time for me to go.

"Listen Dell we can't be together".

"Why not"!!! He got loud with me causing a few people to look our way.

"Lower your voice, you know I'm with Anthony plus what do I look like going with his friend".

"It doesn't matter y'all ain't together anyway, it's not like the two of you would even get back together since he done got another woman pregnant. You mind as well come crawl to me and let daddy take care of you" he smirk.

"You must be out your damn mind" I got up leaving before I end up hurting him. I didn't know whether to tell Ant or not about this, the nerve of him.


I guess this co-parenting wasn't too bad even though I really want Des and I to work on us but taking things one day at a time. I not to long ago put the twins to sleep, De'Anthony on the other hand was focus in the game so he was occupied.

I laid on the couch scrolling through my phone until there was a knock at the door. Getting up I open the door to see Destiny, stepping aside so she could come in.

She went over and kiss De'Anthony then took a seat on the couch. I sat next to her and noticed the expression on her face something was bothering her. Before I couldn't even get a word out she start talking.

"You need to talk to your boy Cordell".

"For what"?

"I'll let him tell you" was all she said.

I shot him a text and place my phone on the table, I was anxious to know what was going on.

"Tell me what was said".

"I don't know if I should tell you".

"Is it bad"?

"Well let's see....Cordell wants me".

"What"? I start laughing but Destiny wasn't.

"You joking right"?

"Apparently not if I'm not laughing, he pretty much said that he could treat me better than you".

I didn't say nothing after she said that. Dell done text me back saying he was on his way to my house. By the time he gets here Destiny and the kids will be gone, ain't no telling what might go down so it's best if they don't be here when it happens.


I wasn't surprised that Destiny told Anthony what I said to her and to be honest I could care less about the situation. Once I pull up to Ant house he was already outside waiting for me.

Getting out the car I close my door walking to the front to lean on the hood.

"She told you huh"?

"Yeah and what you mean that you can treat her better"? Ant stood in front of me but not too close.

"Like I said I can treat her better, I was feeling Destiny once she start talking to you. Man Ant I seen how you treated the other girls, so don't act like you been faithful the whole time".

"And your point is"?

"It should've been me giving Destiny the babies, hell I probably could be a better step daddy to your kids now" I laugh.

Next thing I felt was Anthony fist connect to my jaw. "Better watch what comes out your mouth next".

Holding my jaw I spit out some blood while staring at Ant. "You'll regret that" I got in my car backing out the driveway.

He gonna wish he was dead once I get through with him.

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