T.M.L 6

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"Thanks for letting me know...ight talk to you later".

Man I will be going on tour for six months and on top of that June will be tagging along. Now I gotta break the news to Destiny knowing she might not take it well.

"Earth to Anthony" Destiny said snapping me out my thoughts.

"How my babies doing" once I place my hand on her stomach the twins start moving causing Destiny to glare at me.

"Don't give me that face" pecking her lips I went to walk away when Destiny held onto my arm, then all of a sudden I seen liquid coming down Destiny legs.


I was happy my babies were good and healthy. After giving birth I was wore out from all that pushing, Brittany and the rest were on the way to see the twins.

While I was trying to get all the rest I could get Anthony been on his phone. My mind was telling me that he'll be going on tour soon, for how long I'm not sure on that.

By the time he walk in the door I went on and blurted it out. "How long will you be on tour"?

"You gotta think about it"? I ask since he wanna act like he don't now.

"Nah you see baby I was going to tell you wh-".

"The last minute? Anthony just tell me how long".

"Six months".

"Six months Ant really? That's too long, I can't take care of the twins by myself right along with De'Anthony".

"Chill Des you have Bri and Jas".

"So you already made up your mind that you're still going? Wow unbelievable man" I shook my head not even want to discuss anymore.

"Where are the twins"? Brittany and Chris coming walking in the door with balloons.

"They in the nursery, let me call the nurse to bring them in" by then Jasmine and Lucas had showed up. Far as Anthony situation I wasn't about to argue with him.

I understand it's apart of his job but damn I just had the twins, he could at least cancel until further notices.

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