T.M.L 8

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The third night of the tour was a success like the last two. Getting back on the bus I went to go take care of my business in the bathroom.

As I was making my way to the back Anthony was on face time with Destiny.

"I love you and make sure to give my kids a kiss for me".

After washing my hands I came out the restroom to see Anthony was laying down on the couch.

"I can tell you're such a good person" I took a seat across from him.

"I wouldn't say all that but I guess I'm okay".

"She's lucky to have you" I whisper the last part. Getting up from the couch I walk towards Anthony and straddle his lap.

"June wh-"

"Shhh just relax" I peck his a couple of times before it turn into a full blown passionate kiss.

"Whoa wait I can't do this" Anthony push me off him getting up from the couch.

"I'm sorry that shouldn't happen".

Anthony couldn't even look at me. I could I feel so stupid for kissing him, thought he liked me the way I liked him.


What the hell June was thinking kissing me like she lost her mind. I don't think I'll be able to finish this tour all the way through.

During the whole ride June stayed out my way. This was going to be awkward for the next five months.


Finally putting the twins to sleep, I had to go fix another bottle when one of them decides who's going wake up first. Didn't really have to worry about De'Anthony.

I done talk to Anthony for a minute now I could at least try to get a minute of sleep. Just when I was about to doze off my phone had lit up.

Grabbing my phone Ant was calling.

"Is everything okay"?

"Yeah I couldn't sleep so I wanted to talk with you".

He seem a bit off like something was bothering him.

"Okay what is it"?

"I might be coming back a little sooner than I plan, this tour shit is really getting frustrated".

"Is it that girl June cause Anthony you know I don't like the girl being on the bus with you".

When Anthony told me about June was touring with him I was beyond pissed. I trust Anthony but her I don't she's more like thw sneaky type.

"Des chill is nothing I wanna be with my family that's all".

"I guess Anthony" by then I heard cries coming from the baby monitor.

"Well mommy duties are calling, love you and I'll hear from you maybe later on tomorrow".

"Yeah I'll give you a call once I get to New York".

"Okay bye".

Taking a deep breath I got out of bed going across the hall into the twins room, can I at least get one hour of sleep?


It was almost three something in the morning. I was just now making it home from the studio, once I step in the house I seen Jasmine sitting on the couch looking straight ahead while Lucita was crying her lungs out.

"Jasmine what is wrong with you, do you not hear our daughter crying"? I went over and pick up Lucita as she stop crying.

"Where were you"?

"I was at the studio".

"And you just now coming in at three, all I wanted was some sleep but couldn't do that cause the baby kept crying. I need help with her Lucas could you at least help me"?

Jasmine look like something off a scary movie. Her hair was all over the place with bags under her eyes, I understand where she was coming from and this is our first time being parents.

"I got this gone to bed" Jasmine went on to bed as I grab a bottle from the refrigerator.

"Looks like it's going to be me and you Lu Lu" once I heated up the bottle making sure it was at the right temperature, I start feeding my princess. It wasn't before long those pretty eyes of hers was closing, and sure enough I was dozing off right with her.

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