T.M.L 10

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I woke up the next morning to June who body was on mines. What happen last night just happen, shouldn't never happen but it did.

"Yo June get up" I tap her her back causing her to move on the bed.

Getting out the bed I grab my phone from my pants pocket to see a couple missed calls from Destiny.

Without saying anything to June I got dress to head back to my room.

I hope she realizes this was only a one time thing. Getting back to my room I instantly called Destiny back, I plan keeping what I did to myself hopefully June would do the same.


"So how's New York"?

"It's cool but I'm really ready to come home to my babies, I miss y'all so much".

"One more month and you'll be home".

"Yeah can't wait to be home cause  the night I had last night was c- baby let me call you back".

Before I could even stop him from ending the call it was to late. I tried calling back of course he sent me straight to voicemail, It was like he was about to snitch on himself but caught it.

Something didn't sit right with me so I facetime him to see of he'll pick. One of the twins start crying so I ended the facetime and went to get a bottle. I couldn't wait for Anthony to get home cause if he did what I think he did, Ant had another thing coming.


"This is like my tenth time calling you Bri, I'm out here" I left on her voicemail. I told Bri I would come get her for lunch but she still up in the building taking her precious time coming out.

Just when I was about to call her again she come walking out talking to some Steve Urkel looking nigga. From the looks of it Bri seem like she enjoy whatever he was talking about cause her short ass was definitely cheesing all hard.

I met the half way. "I hope it's funny whatever Urkel is talking about, this what took you so long to come out".

"Chris stop this is my class partner Dexter".

"Oh my bad so Dexter Laboratory over here was more than important to the point you didn't answer none of my calls".

"See you around Brittany" Dexter said as he walk off, he did the right thing cause he was about to be picking up his glasses from the other side of the campus.

"What is your problem"?

"My problem? You the one had me waiting for your ass for an hour and I see you in another dude face".

Brittany seem unbother by the whole thing cause she walk ahead of me going to the car.

"Are you done having your little bitch fit cause I'm hungry and tired".

"Keep playing with me Bri" I got in the car starting it up leaving off the campus flying down the street.

Brittany thought I was done talking, nah we was going to finish this conversation.

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