T.M.L 16

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"To tell you the truth I really don't want to go to this party" I tell Anthony once I put on my lipstick.

"I promise we won't be there long".

"If you say so" I this gut feeling tonight was going to be good but bad at the same time.

"You ready"? Ant ask me.

"Yeah" he held his hand out for me to take as he help me out the car. As we made it up to the door it was a full house, I've been to plenty mansion parties so whatever I see tonight would not surprise me at all.

"I'll be back don't move" I tried to stop Anthony from leaving but he was gone into the crowd. He could've at least took me with him, this feel like I'm in high school all over again.

Making my way outside to get some air a girl bump into me making me stop to tell her off until she face me and coming to realize it was Candice.

"My fault I didn't see you".

"Of course you didn't" I can tell she was drunk just by how she tried to keep her balance.

"Wait you Anthony girl right"?

"Yeah that's me" I turn to walk away but she was right beside me following me.

"Can I help you with something"?

"Look I don't won't no trouble, all I'm going to say is watch out for Anthony cause he's no good".

"Says the one who stole from him then left" I say.

"Yeah that I did, listen I'm telling you what I know. I may have not been the best girlfriend he had but I know Ant like the back of my hand.

He's out there messing around and plus I heard June supposed to be pregnant by him".

"Hold up what? Now you just talking crazy you don't know nothing" I look around to see if I saw Anthony.

"Fine don't believe me, best believe I know what I'm talking about" after Candice told me that she walk away leaving me there with my mind running.

I start making my way in the house when I spotted Ant coming towards me with pissed off expression on his face.

"Let's go" was all he said grabbing me by the waist.

By the time we made it out the door paparazzi was already out with cameras.

"Anthony is the baby yours"?

"June just announce she's pregnant with your child".

I couldn't even think straight with all these people plus the flash from the cameras was aggregating. We finally got in the car and Anthony took off down the street.

I pull my phone out to see messages blowing up. I went to instagram to look up June page and seen she had post a picture of her ultrasound.

"Is it true"? I glance over at him with tears threaten to fall.

"We'll talk about it once we get home so drop it".

"Drop it? No we gonna talk about this now, you swore up and down nothing happen between y'all and now this bitch is pregnant".

"It's probably not even mines".

"You so full of it man" I couldn't help but think on what Candice told me.

"Yo chill out Des cause I'm not in the mood".

"I can't see why you mad, I'm the one who should be mad. All this time you been telling me lies wow I should've known".

"Like you never lied".

"Damn right I lied to your ass but I only lie about my age, you know what stop the car".

"No I'm not stopping the car".

"Anthony I'm not playing stop the car or I will jump out this bich" he had some nerve thinking all this was nothing to him.

Both Bri and Jas was texting and calling me, once we get to this house I'm leaving. I was not about to sit here and take this.

Once he pull up to the house I got out making my way to my car when Ant grab me.

"Where you think you're going the kids are staying with your parents".

"Okay I know that now move".

"Mane Des quit playing and get in the house".

"Who playing cause I'm not, until you admit you cheated and got that girl pregnant I'm leaving".

"You ain't going nowhere".

"Fine I'll walk".

Apparently I couldn't even get away cause Ant grab me throwing me over his shoulder. I wasn't about to make no scene out here so I let him take me in the house, once we got in the house he put me down.

"We can talk about this in morning now let's go get some sleep" he tells me.

"Oh we'll get some sleep alright" I went straight in the kitchen and start breaking whatever was in sight.

"You think this shit is cool, having a baby on me and then turn around and lie in my face like you ain't did nothing wrong".

"Aye!!! Stop breaking shit up in my house".

"You and this house can rot in hell" I chunk a wine bottle at him almost knocking his head off but he dodge it.

"You lost your damn mind" he charge at me causing me to pick up a knife.

"Come closer I will cut you".

"Put the knife down Destiny".

"No!!! How could you do me like this, you knew what I went through with Quincy and now you doing the same".

"I'm sorry Des please put the knife down so we can talk".

"I don't want to talk, it's a little too late for that. I'll be back to get me and my kids things, I'm done with this and I'm done with you" I drop the knife and left out the door with Anthony calling my name.

 I'll be back to get me and my kids things, I'm done with this and I'm done with you" I drop the knife and left out the door with Anthony calling my name

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Where did I go wrong? Was I not good enough?


"June what the hell was that, why you making up lies".

"Lies? Nah baby this is real I'm pregnant with your baby Anthony".

June is foul for doing this and now Destiny know and she might just leave me foreal. Why did I let this happen?

"Thought this was a game, I told you I would make your life miserable. Oh and by the way how Destiny is taking it"?

"Go to hell June" I end up ending the call to call Destiny. Knowing she wasn't going to answer my calls.

Can't really blame nobody but myself, I swear if I lose my family June going to have another thing coming.

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