T.M.L 9

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Five months....


"Stop before....".

"Before what? Exactly better not saying nothing".

"Ugly ass" I mumble as I continue to do my hair.

"Face ass" Chris said back.

"Duck ass".

"Head ass".

"Why you bothering me, go draw or something".

"Cause I like to mess with you plus where you think you're going"?

"See that's why I barley tell you stuff. I know I said Chris I'm going by Destiny house".

"Oh" was all he said before leaving out the room. I swear he have his slow moments.


"Look at my little princess" I stare down at Lucita who was peacefully sleeping in her crib.

"Lucas if you wake her up when I just put her to sleep we gonna have problems" Jasmine whisper coming next to me to look at Lucita.

"Oh really and what problems that might be"? I pull her close to me.

"Try me and you'll see" pulling away from my grip she peck my cheek then left out the room.

I follow behind her as we enter in our bedroom. Jasmine instantly laid across the bed. Lately she been busy with the baby and I know she be tired as well.

I'm thankful to have Jasmine in my life, she's a great mother and girlfriend.

Since my schedule was clear for the weekend, I got something plan for Jasmine. While she having her some me time, I'll have Lucita.


One more month to go and back you Atlanta I go. I couldn't wait to get back home cause being on this tour wasn't what I expected.

Heading back to the hotel I took a shower as I waited for room service. Far as Anthony and I, we haven't really talk as much like we normally do.

By the time I got done with my shower I got dress and right on cue my food was right at the door. Tipping the guy for my food I sat on the bed to eat my food as I found a good show to watch.

In the middle of watching Fatal Attractions there was a knock at the door. Getting up to see who it was, looking through the peep door I was surprised to see who was here.

Once I open the door there stood Anthony, he didn't say nothing all he did was walk pass me coming into my hotel room. I had this sly smirk forming on my face, should've known he couldn't resist.

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