T.M.L 13

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"Des I know you seen what the shaderoom done posted on the gram" Brittany come walking in my room as I was on the bed writing in my notebook.

"Yes I'm aware Bri" I kept continue to write.

"You seem not bother about this" she look at me funny.

I place my pen down and gave her my full attention. "That's what happens when you date a celebrity, trust me do you really believe everything you hear"?

She had to think about it before giving me an answer. "No but half of the time it could be true".

"I'll believe it once I see some receipts".

"If you say so".

Once Brittany left out my room I glance at the time before jumping out the bed. I totally forgot all about the booking room that I suppose to be attending today.

"Bri can you please babysit for me"?

"Of course I have nothing to do so I don't mind doing it".

"Thanks I won't be gone long" grabbing my car keys and purse out the door I went. I already made a mental note to hire a nanny for the kids once I start back working, as of right now I needed to get a few things out the way.


"Ight before we wrap this interview up I got one last question to ask you Ant, is it true that you and June had something going on while on the tour".

I swear these people love drama, like Ima really tell them my business.

"Y'all believe anything the media post, June and I are friends that's all nothing more. I have a lady who done bless me with three beautiful kids so why would I mess up something good at home to sleep around with June or anyone else" and I left it at that.

"Ture I feel you on that, well that's all for today it was cool speaking with you Anthony. Y'all make sure to be on the look out of his new album that will be dropping soon, this is
WHTA FM 107.9 tune in tomorrow topic and we out".

After leaving from WHTA station I went on to the house to get some rest before flying back out to California, all I wanted to do is come home to my kids and not worry about the drama that's going on. Hopefully it'll die down by next week, far as June I wouldn't be hearing from her no time soon.

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