T.M.L 12

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Still can't believe I almost snitch on my damn self. There was no doubt Destiny probably already thinking something.

Coming to find out I had one more show to do in New York and I was done. Of course I didn't text Des that but I did tell her that I'll be heading back to Atlanta.

The fact that I told Destiny I would never cheat on her but end up cheating anyway.

"Gotta lot on your mind? Maybe I can help you with that" June said making me lift my head up to see she was sitting across from me.

"Nah that's alright".

"How come we already had sex why not do it again, unless you feel guilty and afraid Destiny would find out".

"Watch it" I warn her. She really had me bent if she think she was threatening me.

"Oh come on Ant you were the one who came to my room and fuck me then left without saying anything".

"Okay and your point is"?

"I'm not some hoe you can just fuck and duck".

"Man whatever" stepping out the Hilton hotel to feel the warm cool breeze hit my face I was going for a walk.

"Don't think you're getting away with this" June walk next to me causing me to ignore her and continue my walk.

"I swear you guys are a bunch of jerks" she kept on complaining until the point I got tired of hearing her voice so I grab her by the arm pulling her towards a nearest alley.

"Let me tell you something June what happen between you and I shouldn't happen ight but it did, so stop bringing it up and act like it never exist. You ought to be glad I gave you the dick".

"Fuck you Anthony" she push me back making me stumble a bit.

"Best believe I'm going to make your life a living hell" she went to walk away I caught her by the arm once again.


I stop talking when flashes from a camera start going off.

"Are you and June in a relationship"?

"Is it true the two of you had sex"?

We had to get out of here before they cause a whole scene. I pull June behind me pushing through the nosey ass paparazzi.

"Anthony are you two dating now".

"Get that damn camera out my face" I push the guy out my way trying to get back to the hotel.

"Aren't you already in a relationship with your girlfriend or the two of you broken up".

Ignoring all the shit that was being thrown at me June was no longer in my grip.

Shit is about to hit all over the internet.


Anthony had no right to talk to me in that way. He act like I beg him to have sex with me, now all of a sudden the paparazzi was now involve.

I lost Anthony grip as we was trying to get away from the crowd. By the time I found a close by restaurant I went in and straight towards the restroom I went.

I pull out my phone and sure enough there was Anthony and I picture being taking. Twitter was blowing up as well instagram, seeing all this made me feel a little dizzy. I went into a stall and next thing happen I lean over the toilet throwing up.

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