T.M.L 25

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"I really thought I was pregnant" Brittany said once we left from the doctors office. I was shock when she told me but then she wanted to make sure she was 100% that she was. Apparently she's not and her and I are both cool with it.

"Would if you were though"? I ask her once we got in the car.

"I probably would've cry".

"Cry? Really Bri"?

"Yup cause I would fear for my baby life if she would come out looking like you".

"There's nothing wrong with me, I wouldn't want my baby having a big ass forehead like you".

I was waiting for Bri to have a comeback, she had none. She couldn't help but to laugh her own self.

"That's okay I'll get you next time".


"I always knew something was up with Cordell hulk built ass".

"I'm quite sure Anthony talk to him about it, I haven't heard nothing from him since yesterday" Des said.

"So.....I'm guessing you and Ant are slowly making things right, meaning y'all getting back together" I ask hoping she'll say yes.

"Why not Des? What's taking so long for y'all to get back a couple again"?

"Jasmine you don't understand, I still can't get over the fact he got that girl pregnant. I could've dealt with the cheating part but having another baby on the way, that's a no for me".

She had point there, I wish Lucas would do some foul shit like that.

As Des and I continue to talk Brittany not to long ago showed up.

"Y'all having a meeting and didn't wait for me"? She walk over to the couch sitting between Destiny and I.

"You're the one that's late" I tell her.

"Well I'm here now so get to spilling" she crossed her legs as she waited for one us to talk.

"I can't with this girl but here's what's going on"......


"Man Cordell is on some other shit, that nigga always was jealous of you" I tell Ant as we drove through the city smoking a blunt.

"I ain't even thinking about that clown to be honest. While he trying to make threats he better watch his back before he won't be able to play football again".

"Don't even trip Ant man, you know Dell only like to run his mouth".

"That's all he better do cause I got other shit to worry about".

I couldn't get over the fact he got June pregnant. I was hoping Destiny and him would set their differences, guess not.

"You heard from the other baby mother"? I ask taking a right on the steet.

"Nah I tried getting in contact to see how the baby is doing and all, coming to find out she change her number".

I just shook my head. "I think she only wanted a baby from you and get half of everything you got, she might end up putting you on child support".

"Fucks no cause I take care of what's mines, June might think she's getting money from me. She gotta another thing coming, I'll make sure he or she will be taking care of".

"No doubt cuzzo" we dap each other up. I was now park in my yard to only see Des and Chris car.

He was still in the car on the phone going off on whoever cause he was face was red.

"I swear he stay fussing" I say to Ant who was also watching Chris. By the time he look in our direction, he got out the car with the phone still to his ear walking towards us.

"Keep playing with me Caprice I'll slap some sense into that apple head of yours" Chirs said causing Ant and I to crack up.

"Man get off my line with that" he ended the call rubbing his temple.

"I need a drink".

"Nah you need a chill pill" I tell him.

"Dawg foreal Caprice is stressing me out".

"I'm glad I don't have drama in my life".

"Wait on it" Chris said.

I was about to go in the house but Chris was dead ass about going to get a drink, so we all got in my car to make a trip to the liquor store. Pulling out the driveway I received a text from Jasmine saying bring some food when I get back.

She must've heard us outside, I reply back with an okay. During the ride to the liquor store Chris end up telling us how the whole argument started with Caprice and him, Knowing how extra Chris can be I knew his story was going to be interesting.

Excuse any mistakes!!!

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