Chapter 13

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(Hayle's P.O.V.)

I sat laying in my bed with my head still buried under the covers not bothering to get up.

It's been almost two weeks since my little accident at the hospital , i haven't spoken to anyone nor have i left from my room.

Everyone knows im pregnant now and many question who the baby's father is but i ignore them.

My parents have taken off work for these two weeks just so they could make sure i was eating. They force me to eat since I've become stubborn.

I haven't been outside so much to where it's at the point I could go for a vampire.

My phone constantly vibrates due to missed calls , messages , video chats , emails , and people have started leaving me notes under my door. Mostly about how I can't hide from my problems or not to shut the people who love me out.

I haven't been to school.

No words have left my mouth.

I look like shit right now....

But im never leaving this spot , the world can't hurt me here. Atleast that's what i think.

The door opened and i heard lots of footsteps but i didn't bother moving. I didn't give a fuck if it was a terrorist walking in. IM. NOT. MOVING.

Anyways whoever they were a lot of commotion was being made and before I knew it the covers we're being thrown off my head , and the sun hit my face in no time.

Shit it was bright.

I held my hand in front of my face mumbling a few curse words. And finally I looked up my eyes meeting those green eyes. We all know those eyes belonged to. None other than The Styles.

He frowned looking down at me with his hands in his pocket ,"So this is what we do now, just give up on the world and let a baby suffer, huh Hayle?"

I didn't speak.... To shocked to move so I just give him a dumbfounded look.

"Now this is what you're gonna do," he looks at his watch ," it's five minutes to ten meaning you have a few minutes to get ready for school.. Get yourself together and I'll meet you outside."

Who the hell does he think he is trying to boss me around and shit ?

I sat up crossing my arms ," I'm not going anywhere with you," I state.

"Yes you are ," both of my parents say stepping from behind Harry.

What the hell is this, a set up ?

Harry smirked.

"Fine," I say standing up making sure they all got the glare I sent their way.





Pregnant By My Bestfriend's Boyfriend (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now