(Hayle's P.O.V.)
"Oh god. that's cold ," i giggled outloud.
I was at my two o'clock doctor's appointment that i booked the day before in the hotel.
McKiyah drove over to attend and help me pack because the funeral was tomorrow and i had to return.
The doctor starts rubbing some wet like gel on my stomach and then places a scanner over my now growing stomach.
"If you would look to your left Ms. Haynes you can see your healthy babies ," he says smiling.
Wait, did he just say babies ?
"Oh my fucking god you're having triplets !" Ky screams jumping up and down. Basically acting like a two year old on Christmas.
Sure enough when i turn to the side and look at the screen i see three baby like figures floating around.
You couldn't see them a little because they were kinda tiny but overall seeing them brought tears to my eyes.
I was really gonna be a mom. These were really my children.
Moments like these aren't meant to be experienced alone. They were meant to be shared... with Harry.
Just as i think all of that i hear Harry's name on the tv ahead.
"Turn that up," I urge the doctor impatiently.
I read the headlines as he turns the television up.
One Direction Disrepute.
What the hell happened ?
"Is boy group One Direction over ? Viewers noticed an argument between band mambers Harry Styles and Zayn Malik starting an argument on twitter."
"with styles tweeting ,"
That sucks Zay. I got you p*ssy once and this is how you repay me lol cool
"and Malik tweeting back ,"
One Direction is better without you here f**king everything up so that's even cooler Haz
"Following up a statement was released by Kendall Jenner that Styles is sleeping around with Apple's Co Brandon Haynes's daughter, Hayle Haynes."
McKiyah and i both gasped at the same time. I wondered how in the hell Kendall knew.
Kendall suddenly appears on the screen apparently making a statement ,"I had an abortion because Harry said he didn't want me or our baby," she pauses a moment to wipe a fake tear away ,"he said he wanted her. that girl Hayle Haynes and their baby."
How fucking implausible. One that bitch goes up there and says some shit like that. Two Harry has been fucking the both of us at the same time while neither of us knew.
I fucking hate you Harry. Right now i wish you were dead. I swear i do.
I grabbed my iphone and threw it against the wall as it smashes into pieces.
"Woah ," McKiyah says grabbing my hand ,"There's a better way to handle this then smashing shit."
She was right. I'll just smash Harry's face instead.
I grabbed my purse and stormed out the room with McKiyah right behind me.
My things were already in McKiyah's car since she drove mines back to her parent's place earlier that day so we got in the car and headed out.
Wherever the hell Harry was he sure had it coming....
(Harry's P.O.V.)
"Unbelievable ," Gemma says as she shuts off the tv.
After the argument with the boys earlier i just came home and chilled for awhile.
I still had no idea why Zayn suddenly had the nerve to flip out but it was nothing compared to what i had just seen on tv.
Kendall went and told the whole world that she had an abortion by me (which wasn't true at all btw) , that im sleeping with Hayle , and that i got her pregnant.
I had no clue how she figured any of that about Hayle out but im sure management was probably freaking out about all of this right now.
"So what are you gonna do ?" Gem asks flopping on the couch sitting next to me.
I didn't answer her , oblivious to everything going on around me. I only had one thing on my mind right now.
And that was.....
"Harry someone is here to see you," my mom Anne exclaimed.
Whoever it was they must've shocked her by their presence because he voice was kinda high pitched like.
Groaning i got up walking to the door and came face to face with the last person i wanted to see.
Selena Gomez.
"Missed me ?" she asks as a smirk makes it's way to her lips.
YAY #Sarry #Helena
Bet Hayle's gonna be pissed.
-mischievous grin-
-evil laugh-
-spark in eyes-