(Hayle's P.O.V.)
"You guys are being so completely unfair," i say storming upstairs as we get inside.
My parents walk right behind me trying to keep up.
"I mean isn't it enough that im pregnant, you're not even thinking about your grand children," i continue.
"You're having more than one ?" they both ask at the same time.
I turn around so im facing them ,"Yes, three to be precise."
Both of their faces light up and my mom squeals.
"Hayle why didn't you tell us?!" she says jumping up and down like a kid.
Won't be long before those knees give out on her.
"Because i was away at the time duh," i say flatly.
Her smile immediately drops and she goes back to grounded mode.
I turn around and continue stomping upstairs ,"Im never speaking to you guys again."
"Hayle quit acting like a five year old," dad states.
"Im not acting like a five year old my dearest father," i tell him sarcastically.
Finally reaching my room i turn towards them ,"Ok I've reached my destination you don't need to stalk me anymore."
Mom hugs me ,"We love you Hayle but jus--"
"Can i go now," i cut her off rolling my eyes.
"Keep that up and you're gonna earn yourself an extra month young lady," dad says.
I go in my room and slam my door screaming loudly once im safe inside.
A month ?! A whole fucking month ?! There was no way in hell im going along with this !!
My mom walks in the room holding a small bucket ,"Put all of your electronics in here."
I groaned ,"You can't be fucking serious mom."
She gave me 'the look' and said ,"Electronics Hayle."
"Ugh," i say and search around my room for all of my electronic devices.
My Ipad.. Camera... Ipod... Iphone... Kindle... Laptop... Nintendo... Bluetooth Piece... Wii.... Portable Radio... etc.
"Now get some rest because we've had a long day," she says shutting my door.
As soon as i hear her walking back downstairs i pull out my backup iphone i bought incase of emergencies.
Yeah im a badass, i know (:
I dialed Mason's number since Harry and i weren't speaking for the rest of today.
I didn't see why he was so mad anyways. Taylor was practically drooling over his body and i didn't confront him nor her about it.
"Yo," Mason's voice says from the other end.
"Masonnnn," i whine.
"Hayle, what's wrong ?"
"Nothing my parents grounded me for a month and now im officially stuck in this hellwhore i call home."
"Want me to come over?"
"Yeah but you have to sneak in through my window."
"Ok I'll be over in five."
His place was just around the corner from mine so really it wouldn't take him long.
(Harry's P.O.V.)
I got a call from management to meet up at the flat immediately so i drove over and i now was walking inside.
Opening the door to the flat i was surprised to see my other band members followed by management all waiting.
"Take a seat," our head manager, Paul, says.
I take a seat in between Niall and Louis, catching a glance from Zayn who looked kinda rough today.
Wonder what his problem was.
"Ok i think you guys know why we called you here today," our next manager in charge, Sophia, says.
We all nod awkwardly.
"Now i reckon you four talk this all out but noone leaves until everyone has apologized and can get along with one another," Paul says looking specifically at Zayn and i.
Niall groaned standing ,"Some people didn't even do anything wrong... People like me."
"And me," Liam buts in.
Soph disagrees ,"Nope. Everyone has to apologize for something."
Paul and Soph then exit the room probably to spy on us in the camera room.
Sighing i take out my phone and call Hayle. I guess i should apologize to her about earlier but she didn't answer.
Probably went to bed early.
"Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na," Louis sings quietly while Niall starts tapping on some glass cups with his drumsticks.
Zayn seems out of their world as he just plays a few notes on his guitar.
Liam starts humming but as i listen closely it sounds like he's humming the first part of "What Makes You Beautiful".
Then i realize that they all were playing that song , that explains the Na from Niall , tapping from Louis , and beat from Zayn.
Finally Liam sings outloud ,"You're insecure, Don't know what for, You're turning heads when you walk through the door, Don't need make-up, To cover up, Being the way that you are is enough."
Shit my part was next.
They all turn to me like they were expecting me to join in.
I do join in though.
"Everyone else in the room can see it, Everyone else but you," i sing playing with my hands.
The next thing i knew we were singing the whole song and afterwards we got into this big group hug shit.
"One Direction forever mates," Niall says putting his hand out.
"Forever," the rest of us say joining in.
I couldn't help but smile.
I finally got my mates back again.
(Hayle's P.O.V.)
I was laying in my bed flipping through some boring magazine while Mason was in the shower when there's this tap against my window.
I frown and stand walking over to my balcony. It probably was Allison anyways. She told me earlier that she would be over.
As i open my window instead of seeing Allison i see Harry.
A frown makes it way to my lips and i cross my arms ,"What are you doing here ?"
He frowns ,"What, expecting someone else ?"
No. I just didn't expect you.
"Well are you gonna let me in ?" he asks peeking around my head.
"Who's that babe ?" i hear Mason ask.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
"Babe ? Babe ? You've gotta be kidding me Hayle, why the hell is he here ?" Harry growled.
"Why is your brother on your balcony ?" Mason asks shirtless.
I was to shocked to even speak.
"I was uh, just leaving," Harry tells him giving me the saddest face expression ever.
He flips off the balcony and goes back to his car while i just stand there dumbfounded.
Harry totally hated me now.