Chapter 14

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(Hayle's P.O.V.)

"You shut everyone out and just gave up honestly," Harry was saying.

We had been in the car for only two minutes and already he had been fussing at me like he was my father or something.

I wasn't listening to anything he said and i completely shut him out.

These are the moments when i really wish i hadn't left my earphones at home.

He kept going on ,"I just don't get you sometimes Hayle."

I don't get why he's still here after i told him off.

Finally speaking i say ,"Ohh like you soo care about me Harry. Everyone knows you only care about yourself and could give a shit about other people."

Suddenly he got off the interstate at the nearest exit and pulled over to the side of the road.

"Great now what are you doi--" i start to say but he cuts me off.

"You know what shut up Hayle , for once let someone else have the floor."

Oh this would be good. I would love to know what he had to say. I nodded my head motioning for him to continue.

He continues ,"Hayle i want to be apart of this baby's life--

Ok i had to cut him off right there. Besides he cut me off not to long ago anyways.

"Like hell you do Harry."

He looked over at me ,"Can i talk now or are you to busy still on your Drama Bitch Mode ."

"Ok that was so fucking rude. one you called me a bitch. Two a drama queen," i huff out.

"I said you were acting like one," he says.

"It's the same fucking thing Harry. Acting , being , becoming they're all the same," i tell him.

He's being so rude, telling me to shut up and calling me names while he was at it.

"You just like arguing with me, you never take anything serious," Harry says.

That really set me off.

"Me?" I paused catching my breathe for what i was about to tell him ,"HARRY , OH PLEASE YOU'RE A SELFISH PIECE OF ASS WHO THINKS THE WORLD RUNS UNDER HIM AND NEEDS TO GET A SLAP OF REALITY."

I got out the car grabbing my things and slamming the door behind me. I could walk to school , it was only five minutes from here anyways.

Harry got out his side of the car. Walking over to my side of the car he roughly grabs me and kisses me hard on the lips sticking his tounge in my mouth.

I broke the kiss and looked away ,"Stop."

"You want me to stop?" He whispers in my ear.

As badly as i wanted to say no i nod my head yes instead. He must've forgotten that day i was in the hospital.

"Fine but atleast get back in the car, i won't have you walking with my baby in your stomach."

"Fine," i sighed getting back in the passenger seat.


(Addison's P.O.V)

"Im done arguing," i tell Allison.

We were all in the hallway waiting on Hay to arrive when she says out of nowhere that i act stuck up.

And now here we were arguing with everyone trying to break it up.

"I was done with it two years ago," she remarks back.

-.- well played.

"Guys stop arguing," McKiyah says whining.

"We're not arguing we're having an mature conversation," we both say.

"Yeah sure," Ky says rolling her eyes.

We suddenly see Hayle walking in with Harry and we all run over to hug her.

"OMG we missed you soo much ," Ally says jumping up and down with excitement.

Kind or like a little kid who goes to Chuckie Chesse's for the first time.

Hayle smiles and pulls away ,"Well im back."

I finally look over at Harry and he smiles walking to me and planting a kiss on my lips ,"Hey babe."







Hope you guys are enjoying this book asmuch as i enjoy writting it (:


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