Chapter 26

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(Unknown P.O.V.)

"Hey isn't that the Hayle Haynes girl ," i ask.

"Yeah , why is she here ?"

"I don't know but make sure you all get all of this."

This could be a good story coming along.

(Hayle's P.O.V.)

I had called mostly everyone that Harry knew to see where he was but they all didn't know , so there was only one place left to visit.

The Styles Resident itself.

As i parked my car and got out i heard a few snaps.

Shit Paparazzi.

I turned around but i didn't see anyone , not even a movement.

Fuck. They were good.

Turning around once more i decided to ignore them and just head towards the front steps.

I knocked once.

I knocked twice.

And then i became face to face with Taylor Swift.

Im kidding , i became face to face with Harry's mom , Anne.

"Hi ," she frowned , probably thinking that im a fan of Harry that had finally found him.

"Is Harry here ?" i question.

Of course i knew the answer but i wanted to see if she was a Mommy's Boy , and helped cover for Harry.

"This is probably weird to ask but are you some crazy fan of his ?" she asks , unsure of me.

I laugh softly ,"No just here to talk to Harry about our erm... science project , yes that's it , our project in science."

I went to sleep in all of my classes so that was a lie.

Just as she's about to speak i see movement on the side of their house.

I look away ,"Hold that thought ," and then i walk towards the backyard.

"Quiet ," someone hisses.

Yeah , people surely were hiding behind here because i heard voices.

As i round the counter i stop at what i see.

Selena is wrapped in bed sheets , followed by Harry who is in his boxers with no shirt on , and they both have messy sex hair.

"Hayle," Harry says aggitated.

Selena continued talking as if i wasn't standing there at all.

"I had a great time Harry ," she says wrapping her arms around his neck ,"we should do this again sometime soon."

"Hayle," Harry starts , pushing Selena away in the process.

Im not gonna scream. Im not gonna yell. I have three unborn babies inside of me.

I nod , chuckling ,"It's ok Harry. I finally get it after all this time , you're a superstar , one of those live everyday like it's my last guys , just wanna party and fuck every whore that comes down your lane huh ," i say making sure i send Selena a glare.

"But it's ok. I want you to live your life , you'll just have to do it without me in it , i mean... wouldn't want Hayle fucking up everything , now would we ?"

He attempted to reach out for me but i step back ,"Don't you ever fucking touch me again. No telling where those hands have been now."

"What's that supposed to mean ?" Selena snapped finally turning around.

"It means exactly how i said it ," i snapped back.

"Where'd you get this one Harry ? i like her. she's feisty ," Selena says smirking.

Harry stood in between the both of us ,"You two need to calm down before attention comes."

He meant the paps.

I scoffed ,"Well incase you didn't know they're already here, that bitch probably called them being the attention whore she is," i nod towards Selena's direction.

"The attention whore that had Harry way before you ," she remarks.

I was about to punch her in the face but Harry steps infront of me.

"Get the hell out of my way Harry ," i warn.

"Hayle you need to leave," he yells, his voice rising.

The first time he had ever risen his voice at me.

"Oh so you're gonna fucking protect her !" I yell back in defense and slap him across the face.

He's really choosing this crappy barbie doll bitch wanna be over me. Unbelievable.

"Im not protecting anyone im just..." he says not effected by the slap.

"You're just what ? Huh ? Go ahead and say it Harry, But let me just fucking say this. If you think you're gonna be in their life ," i point to my belly ,"you can forget it. Goodbye Harry.

He grabs my arm ,"Wait."

I yank my arm away from him and run to my car with tears pouring down my face.

There was only one person to go see.






(clip of backyard on side)






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