(Addison's P.O.V.)
Harry and i had just arrived to the ball and already it was packed.
Black and white decorations were thrown everywhere and the ball floor looked beautiful.
Everyone looked amazing , girls in their formal dresses and guys their formal suits.
They did say that the Jake guy new how to party big. And now i believe them.
I decided on something simple , a yellow layered dress with diamonds on each layer and a silver mask that matched.
Harry had on his yellow tie and a silver mask as well. We really looked good as a couple tonight.
Already girls were checking him out and i moved a little closer to him making sure they knew we were more than friends.
Im starting to get used to it now.
Harry and i have only been dating for 3 weeks and i often find myself competing with other girls over him.
I looked over at Ally who was by the chocolate fountain sticking strawberries in , and trying to lick the chocolate off before it got hard.
We both did it alot when we were kids and our parents were out of sight.
Allison came with Niall and she had on the same dress as mines , but hers was royal blue instead.
We're getting along much now after we talked everything out. Turns out she was angry at me leaving her and i apologized for it.
I didn't know that she felt that way about me leaving.
Everyone was currently eating and some were dancing as we awaited for more people's arrival.
It had to be atleast a million people here already so about the time everyone else came we would be crowded.
"Where's Hayle?" Ally asks breaking my thoughts.
Yeah where is she ? I texted her earlier and she didn't reply.
"Probably pregnancy sickness again," i tell her finishing the last of my cheesecake.
It tasted better than those i had in Rome for sure.
"Babe let's dance," Harry says from behind me.
He grabs my hand and leads me towards the dancefloor.
"Dance without you" by Skylar Grey starts to play and everyone joins us on the dancefloor , starting the waltz.
Harry spins me around and i giggle whispering ,"I didn't know you could dance."
"There's alot of things you don't know about me ," he says pulling me back to him.
We dance around a little more and the song ends.
Everyone starts back walking around looking for their friends who had arrived.
(Briana's P.O.V.)
I walked in Jake's place pushing through the stuffed crowd.
It was only 9:15 and already teenagers were dancing all over the place , some already high or possibly drunk.
Tonight i chose to wear a hot pink two part dress that showed my back and stomach , it had diamond outings and the pink mask i had on matched it perfectly.
I brought Aiden as my date , one because he was hot and two i wanted to make Harry jealous.
Yeah i know Aiden is Hayle's ex but he dated me before her anyways. She pretty much got my leftovers.
We still haven't spoken since our breakup and he's been ignoring me alot.
I knew Hayle was a slut from the beginning so i wasn't surprised when they told me she was pregnant.
I really wonder who the baby's father is... probably that new guy she was with at school the last time i saw her.
Such a slut.
McKiyah and Hayle barely speak to me anymore so I've started hanging out with Sarmana.
I know that she flirtedwith Harry while we were dating , but once you get to know her she's pretty funny.
Walking over to where Sarmana and the other girls stood i smiled ,"Hey."
Sarmana smiled turning towards me ,"Bitch i totally will still your dress off your body , like right now."
The other girls agreed smiling as well.
"I actually got this dress from Hayle as a birthday present last year," i tell them.
Which was true. My parents didn't like me wearing certain things so Hayle and Mckiyah used to sneak me clothes around.
I wore this dress to the ball Hayle's Dad's company through that year.
Sarmana smirked ,"Speaking of that bitch Hayle , i heard she got an abortion so that's why she isn't coming tonight."
"Four abortions in one year , this one was definitely free ," Rain says joining in.
I just nodded my head pretending to agree.
This was the first i knew of Hayle ever being pregnant so that definitely was a lie.
(Hayle's P.O.V.)
"Woah , someone's looking sexy," Jonah says helping me out the car.
I smirked and fixed his red bow that matched my dress ," I know, you should really thank God for making my sexy ass body."
Jonah is my other bestfriend. He moved to another part of town a year ago and drops by every now and then.
And yes. He is gay.
We walked past the security guards infront of Jake's door who were holding the invitation lists.
Jake was standing there so i didn't have to wait in line to see if my name was on the list.
As Jake let Jonah and i through i looked back at all the people who's names weren't on the list waiting by the door , poor them , they didn't know what badass party they were missing.
Turning back around I grabbed Jonah's hand and we walked in.
Everyone seemed to be looking at something my direction and i turned around trying to figure out what it was.
The music stopped playing and a spotlight pointed directly at me.
Then i noticed what everyone was staring at.