Chapter 28 (Part 1)

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(Hayle's P.O.V.)

"Can you zip me up," i tell Harry while pushing my hair to the side.

Today was an event everyone regretted attending. Addison's funeral.

Im really gonna miss Addison so fucking much.

I remember when we were all kids Addison , Allison , McKiyah , Briana , and I used to all play house. Briana being the selfish bitch she is always wanted to be the mom. Just so she could boss us around.

Anyways after we left the bar Harry and i came to his house where i met his mom and sister. Gemma and Anne both knew who i was immediately and questioned Harry and i about why we didn't come forward about the baby before.

Harry of course told them he didn't know it was his at first which earned him a glare from me.

Now we were all getting ready for the funeral , everyone knew Addison since she was a model so we're prepared for this funeral to be pretty packed.

"Done ," Harry says as he finishes zipping up my dress.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and smile slightly.

Im now three and a half months and you can really see my baby bump now. The doctor says all twins , triplets , and quadruplets come earlier than the due date so i should be prepared in the next two months or so.

Tomorrow Harry and i are going baby shopping for the first time after Addy's candle light event from where the car accident was.

Addison. Just the thought of her name brought tears to my eyes.

Harry must've saw it in the mirror and his strong arms embraced me in a hug. Since my bump was in the middle of us it felt kind of weird , but then again it felt good to be in his arms this way.

"You promised me you wouldn't cry ," he says resting his chin on my shoulder.

Tears were still falling as i pulled away from the hug.

"I don't know if i can do this Harry," i tell him looking down at my feet.

He wipes the tears away from my face and lifts up my chin ,"We both will make it through this together baby. I promise she's in a much better place now."

I nod and he entwines my hand in his as we both walk downstairs together.

As we reach the bottom of the stairs im surprised to see Gemma and Anne there.

Followed by both of my parents who didn't look so happy.

(Harry's P.O.V.)

As we reached the bottom of the stairs Hayle's parents were both waiting on her.

She frowned and pulled me to the side ,"How did they know i was here?"

"I called them over."

"Harry why the fuc--"

"Hayle my dad and i fell out because he didn't give a shit about me nor Gem. You have two parents that love you and who were worried where in the hell their daughter has been these last few days. I don't want you to fall out with your parents like i did with my dad so talk to them."


"No buts. Talk to them ," i finish as Gemma , my mom , and i all head outside to the car.

I really hoped they talked this all out.

(Hayle's P.O.V.)

As Harry and his family left i frowned turning slowly towards my parents.

They both had these angry and annoyed expressions on their face.

My parents both sit down but instead i walk to the window and stare out of it.

Sighing , i finally speak ,"I know you're both pissed at me but i had to get away from all of this."

"Hayle we were worried sick about you ," mom says.

"And the note you left made us worry even more ," dad joins in.

I rolled my eyes ," Atleast i left a note. Most people don't even do that."

"We are very disappointed in you Hayle ," my father says.

"In fact you're grounded for a month , no cellphone , boys , parties , you get the picture ," mom tells me.

I turned around and scoffed ,"THAT'S SO UNFAIR!!!"

I mean. This is the first time I've actually gotten punished for something. Especially something stupid as this.

"No buts young lady. After the funeral you come straight home ," mom states firmly.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR ," i argue back.

I turned to my dad hoping he would defend me ,"DAD TELL HER THAT IT'S NOT FAIR!!"

He shakes his head in disagreement ,"I agree with your mother on this one Hayle."

I groaned out loud and stomped away hollering ,"YOU'RE RUINING MY LIFE!!!"

God they make me sick.



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