Chapter 23

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I was waiting by the concession stand at the fair when Briana walks up to me with some guy.

As they get closer i realize that's not just any guy , that's Harry Styles.

"Hayle i want you to meet my boyfriend Harry , Harry this is my bestfriend Hayle ," she says beaming proudly at the both of us.

"Hi," i tell him getting a fangirl feeling already.

I mean it's not everyday that your bestfriend just walks up to you with someone famous and says their dating them.

"Sup," he tells me , his eyes traveling all over my body with an approval look at everything he saw.

"So i think we should def. get on the ferris wheel," Bri says breaking the silence.

Good thing she did that because after awhile i would've guessed that Harry was tryna rape me with his eyes.

As we waited in line Harry's eyes met mines and he just stood there staring.

Why the hell does he keep looking at me?

Once again Briana broke the silence ,"Did either of you hear anything i said ?" she asked.

Harry finally stops staring and looks at bri ,"No babe. What was that you were saying ?"

"I said i really don't wanna ride anymore but since we're already at the front you two go on ahead and get on ."

An 5 minute long ride with him ? No fucking way.

Just as i was about to insist that Bri go and i stay behind , the worker tells us to climb in.

Well. I guess this would be an interesting ride.

I climbed in first with Harry behind me and im pretty sure he was checking my ass out along the way.

"Pervert ," i mumbled sitting down.

Harry sits down next , really closely if you ask me , and then the seat closes as the ride starts.

When we're high in the air i turn to Harry.

"Don't look at me because she will think somethings up."

We go back down again and he waits until we're back high ,"I don't want her. I want you."

I send Briana a fake smile as we go down low again. As soon as we are high again i say ,"You want her. I don't want you."

He chuckles saying ,"Don't flip my words around."

Briana takes a picture of us as we come down once more and then we go back high.

"I can't ignore these signs of us being together anymore. I want you ," he says and starts running his hands up my skirt.

I moan softly. "Mm. sure."

Just as things were about to get heated i suddenly wake up with sweat running down my head.

Fuck. I just had my first wet dream about Harry.

As i turn to my side to see if i had woken Harry but i find an empty spot from where he had slept.

Where the hell was he ?

Just as i start to lay back down my head touches something crunchy sounding and i pull out a note.

It was in Harry's handwriting so i read it.

(Harry's P.O.V.)

"Take a seat mate,"Louis' tells me with a serious expression.

I sit on the couch and face everyone studying their faces. They all seemed pissed.

"Could you give us a minute Kendall ," Zayn tells her.

Pregnant By My Bestfriend's Boyfriend (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now