Sorry for not updating in awhile but I've been in London spending time with my friends up there.
But here's part 2..
(Hayle's P.O.V.)
Out of everyone from highschool he was the one i never expected to run into 3 years later.
Sure i kept in contact with all of my other friends, including Megan and Jonah, but i thought for sure that Mason and i would never see each other again.
He slowly made his way over to me and sat down in the barseat besides me.
I checked him out as he ordered a drink for himself. He definitely wasn't that teenage boy i knew anymore. Mason was only 20 but he looked like he'd matured over the years and finally got his life together.
Unlike me who's still chasing after my highschool lover.
"Long time no see," he finally acknowledged me,flashing that charming smile that i always fell for.
"It hasn't been that long Mason. Only 3 years to be precise," i say taking a sip of my drink.
He starts to speak again but gets interrupted by a commotion from the other side of the room.
We both turn around as Harry and Kendall both strolled their way down the staircase together.
Kendall in an elegant shimmering gold dress that draped down her legs looking snobby as usual, and Harry just blankly standing there with no emotion on his face at all.
They couldn't even pull this engagement off. I mean come on, Harry barely held her hand in public.
Yeah they're engaged alright.
I watched as Kendall and Harry both greeted their guests and felt a sudden change of emotion.
That should be me standing next to him. Wearing that gorgeous ring. Announcing our engagement to everyone.
Its just like a basketball game.
We both wanted the ball, badly.
Kendall was on the team that kept getting the ball (Which in this case is Harry) and scoring.
While im the one on the other team waiting for her to mess up so i can be placed in the game.
Crazy right ?
"Tell me you're not still chasing after that guy," Mason says noticing that i had been staring at Harry and Kendall.
I turned back towards him ,"You know, i still have 3 beautiful little girls at home who need a fatherly figure in their life... and i can't keep lying to them about not knowing where their father is everytime they ask."
"So they don't know about him still?" he asks, sounding surprised.
I nod my head slightly",Im afraid so. I just haven't had the time to site down and talk to them about Harry."
"I think 3 years is enough time Hayle," he argues.
I shrugged, "I just don't know how to tell them yet... i can't just say ohhh your father is Harry Styles, he left me to raise you alone and now he wants to be back in your life, can i ?"
"I think you could use another one of those," he states nodding his head towards my now empty champagne glass.