Chapter 32

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Marthin (P.O.V.)

I climbed out of my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I slid on my shirt and pants after wearing my boxers. I went out of my room and walked along the hallways to Nathalie's room.

"Marthin." I turned around and saw William, scowling.

"Where are you going?" He asked me. I scoffed and point my thumb at the direction to where I was about to go.

"To Nathalie. Why?" I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Well I just want you to know that we have an important meeting about our raiding to the camp." He said as he shoved his hands on his two pockets.

"Oh, yes. I forgot about that. But maybe we can have that after I visit Nathalie." I said, brushing my hair off my forehead. He shooked his head and placed his hands on my chest.

"We've been waiting for you for almost an hour, Marthin. Everyone were there at the conference room already." I walked passed behind him and he followed.

"Why haven't you told me? I should've prepared as early as I could." I said as I walked downstairs.

"The legates came in different time and the last one just came an hour ago." He said. I didn't respond and trotted to the conference room.

They were all sitting on their seats, waiting for me. I pant and heaved up a sigh.

"Sorry if i'm late."


Wis( P.O.V.)

"I'm hungry." I glimpsed at Nathalie who was wrapping her hands over her stomach, tightly.

Suddenly, i've heard the door opened. I walked to the bars and saw Saxony walking towards our way. I hurriedly sat on my bed and stared at Nathalie.

Saxony appeared with two plates on his hands. He opened the gate and placed it on my table. I glimpsed at the plate and looked at him as he walked outside the cell and closed the gate.

He walked in Nathalie's cell and placed the plate on her table.

"You need to eat. William is going to be mad at me if you don't." He said. Nathalie looked at him and scoffed.

"Good for you, Saxony." She said, beaming.

"And besides, i'm not hungry." She added. I raised my eyebrow at her and she narrowed her eyes at me and turned to look at William again.

"Just eat." He said, stammering. He sighed and went out of the cell. He locked the gate and walked away. Nathalie stand up on the bed and peeked on the bars. And when we heard the door closed, she hurriedly went to the table and devoured the food on her plate.

"Not hungry, huh?" I said and smirked.

"Just having a little roleplay earlier." She said. She wiped her face and narrowed her eyes at me.

"Why are you not moving your plate? Don't you want to eat?"

I stared at the food on the plate and turned to look at her.

"Looks deceiving but, i'm full." I said. She went up to the bars and looked at me.

"Please eat." She said in a soft toned voice. I heaved up a sigh and smiled at her.

"Okay, okay. I will." I beamed.

Auxdener( P.O.V.)

I was at my office sitting on my seat with a cup of coffee on my hand. It's been a day since Wis were taken by the rogues, and I can't sleep thinking about her.

I sipped my coffee and placed it on the table. I walked towards my window and looked outside. The field was covered with snow. I scanned the surrounding and landed my eyes at the gym. It was seven in the morning and the trainees were having their training right now.

Someone knocked on my door. I turned around as the door opened, revealing Domie with some papers on his arms.

"Auxdener." He said as he walked to my direction and placed the papers on my table. He opened and scattered them and stared at me. They were pictures of Marthin.

"What's with him?" I asked, narrowing my eyes in confusion.

"These were taken by one of the undercovers I hired. He found him parked at a café at the next city. He tracked the plate number and found out that he was living here." He said as he point his fore finger at the map.

"Goldenwood. Place of rogues." I mumbled and glimpsed at Domie.

"Not just that. I showed this picture to Lara and told me that he was the one who gave the paper to her, and told her to place it at Wis's front door." He said. I narrowed my eyes at him and stand straight, brushing my hair off my forehead.

"Carter was Marthin, Auxdener."



I'm having a little fun writing a scene like this. 👆👆👆😂.. hmm just bear with me coz aym gowing kreyzi..xD

Vote, comment, follow or else..

Let's have a pillow fight! XD


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