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Kassey is walking on an hallway, trying to find the right room number. 

There is not a lot of people in the great campus of UCLA, and it makes sense : there are two weeks left before the beginning of school. The reason of Kassey's early presence also makes absolute sense : she had a choice. Either she stayed in her dysfunctional foster family she hates, or she flies across the country to start her new life early. 

The huge box she holds in her arms is the only one she has : no fancy objects, no childhood toys, no family photos. Just her and a box full of clothes. 

When she reaches the final floor, she sigh : next time, start by the last floor. She looks at the number on the dorms, rolling her eyes. C'mon Kass, it's only a freaking number. 345 has to be in here. Her thoughts taking over her mind, she barely even hears the voice calling her right behind her. 

She turns around and meets Lindsey Horan, who she already has seen because they played together at Harvard for a few months. Pretty delivered to have found someone she knows, Kassey lets out a loud sigh. 

"Room number ?" Lindsey asks, pointing at the box Kassey is holding. 

The blonde immediately answers in a bored voice : "345".

"I know" Lindsey smirks jokingly. She then shakes her head. "That's my room too : we're roommates."

"Oh." is all the blonde comes up with. 

The trip across the country really made her tired, and it shows : the dark circles she has under her eyes and her short and cold answers are some signals. Lindsey, who obviously understands the struggle, doesn't take it against her. 

So she says : 

"C'mon, this way"

The two girls walk across the corridor to finally reach room 345. Lindsey opens the door, before giving Kassey the third keys to the dorm. The blonde gives her a thankful look, as she walks toward the vacant bed. She realizes that the two others are occupied, which means Lindsey is not her only roommate. 

And that freaks her out. 

Kassey has never been good with people : she usually just stay out of everything involving human beings, except for soccer. She doesn't care about having teammates, because they make her better. But since her relationship with Janine Beckie ended for the second and final time, she doesn't want anything to do with people anymore. Boys or girls, they're all the same : they end up breaking her heart in pieces. 

Lindsey notices Kassey's horrified face and smirks. 

"Don't worry, Sonnett is cool" she says, trying to make the girl feel comfortable here. As the blonde is looking around her, the middy adds : "Both of us are kind of annoying but you will love us either way."

The newly arrived nods. 

"Are we the only girls already here ?" Kassey asks, frowning. 

"Uhm" Lindsey starts, thinking. "I think some of our teammates already are here, but very few. Why ?"

"I don't know"

"I can still ask on the group chat if they want to play a little soccer this afternoon ? You gotta fight that jet-lag girl" the brunette jokes. 

For the first time since she got here, Kassey shyly smiles. 

"That'd be fun."

"Oh, and the team can't wait to meet you !" Lindsey says in a joyful tone. "You'll see, we're fun."

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