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The moment Mal steps on the beach, she knows it is going to be a great evening. 

Jessie is already here, waiting for her on a boat. Great, so I just have to swim to her in that fucking dress I bought for the occasion ? Amazing. But little does she know that Jessie left a mini boat for her to go in and join her. So once she does so and get on the actual boat, Jessie has her arms crossed against her chest, and a smirk on her face. 

When she sees Mal, however, she lets out : 

"Woah" But then she realizes that it's awkward, and adds : "I didn't realize we were attending a gala or something."

"It's all I found to be honest" Mal lies. 

Of course I bought that black dress to impress you, stupid. Not even knowing why this idea of Jessie falling under her charms is making her so excited, Mal shakes her head, as Jessie shamelessly checks her out, before realizing she got caught and look away, slightly blushing. She, on the other hand, opted for casual jeans and a black Adidas t-shirt, that is a perfect fit with her shoes. 

Jessie smiles. 

"You're weird" is all she says before starting the boat. As Mal sits down next to her, Jessie quickly looks at her, before asking : "Have you ever seen the city from the lake ? It's beautiful at night with all those lights."

"No, I have not, actually."


The Canadian 'drives' the boat very well, as Mal is wondering something : 

"When did you get your licence ?"

"Well" Jessie lets out, smirking. "I don't really have one, America. But I really wanted to show you the lights."

"W-what ?" Mal asks, panicked. 

"Don't worry, they never do check-ups. Furthermore, my mom taught me to control boats before even controlling my legs. You'll live, I swear."

Not reassured the slightest, Mal doesn't want to look like a scared little chicken, so she shuts up. That's kind of cute, when you think about it : she is breaking the laws for you. Defying the morally good

As Mal is still lost in her thoughts, she says : 

"You mom seemed to be an amazing woman."

A flash of melancholy goes through Jessie's eyes, before she says : 

"She was. She taught me everything I know. How was your mom ?"

"She was... troubled. I was born in the psychiatric hospital she was detained, but then I was in foster care because my dad didn't want me. And when she got out, she only sent me a note with a bank account number on it - money she has speared for my studies - and an apology. And she ran away."

Jessie is looking at her, feeling sorry. 

"I'm sorry about that, Mal."

The dark-haired sighs, before nodding. 

After an extra ten minutes, Jessie stops the boat, as the two girls go and sit down on the back of the boat, facing the city lights. Damn, she didn't lie when she said it was extraordinary, Mal thinks to herself, in shock. She doesn't even have the words to say anything, so she shuts up. Suddenly, she realizes that she is not looking at the same view anymore : 

Her eyes are now on Jessie, who is just delighted by the view in front of her. When the Canadian realizes that Mal looks at her, she turns her head and asks : 

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