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Gibby enters the crowded room, as the girls seemingly are talking about what is going to happen the next day. The brunette, who usually doesn't get involved much, sits down next to Sonnett, who looks worried. 

She smirks, before saying : 

"You know Lindsey is going to be just fine, right ?"

The defender shakes her head. 

"We don't know that. Anything can happen with that bitch around..." the blonde argues her case. 

Making sure nobody is watching, Gibby grabs Emily's hand in order to comfort her. The surprised grin on Emily's face right now makes her smirk, but she doesn't say anything until a few minutes have passed. 

When Emily looks down at her lips, Gibby lets got of her hand, slightly embarrassed. 

"U-uhm, I mean, Tobs, Allie and Kelsey will be here ! And Kelley arrived this morning as well, so there is nothing to be scared of."

"At least Lucy Bronze killed Hope."

"God bless her for that" Gibby jokes. 

Emily giggles, as the brunette shakes her head. 

"Hey, I was wondering..." the defender starts, blushing a little bit, before saying : "... I'm having a hard time studying my maths, and since we're on the same class, could you please help me ?" 

Gibby frowns. 

"Em, you're way better than I at maths" the brunette points out, confused. "Why would you need my help ?"

"U-uhm, what I am trying to ask you is... Oh God" the blonde blurts out, before abruptly stopping what she's saying. She then shakes her head, and says : "I would want us to spend more time... alone. Together. Whatever."


That answer only makes Emily stress more. Instead of making fun of her, Gibby gives her a comforting smile, before smirking. 

"That's not funny" Sonnett points out, offended.

"It kind of is when you think about it" Gibby insists, softly laughing at the other girl, who has her angry mug on. "Out of all the activities you could've offered to do, you come up with studying maths together ?"

"I was trying to be productive." 

"You were trying to avoid asking the right question."

"I was trying to help you get better at maths."

"By asking me for help ?"


Realizing how stupid their argument is becoming, the two girls burst into laughter, and that draws the rest of the team's attention. After receiving some death glares - because the conversations are already very serious, too serious for someone to be laughing - they fall into silence. 

Emily smoothly reaches out for Gibby's hand under the table. 



Sam is woken up by the sound of something hitting her window several times. When she realizes those are rocks, she opens it and looks down at the garden behind the building. 

Lucy Bronze is here, making her the sign to come down. 

The truth is that, after not seeing the Brit for many months, Sam's heart is exploding : her thoughts are going crazy at the moment, mostly because she is trying to run down the stairs and make herself pretty at the same time. What is she doing here ? Wasn't she back in the UK ? And why is she throwing rocks at my windows, she's gonna break them !

Once she finally reaches the brunette's location, Sam immediately says :

"Y-you're... back ?" 

Lucy smiles. A very nervous, stressed smile. 

"Not yet. I needed to talk to you first."

"To me ?"

"Sam, there's something big coming up, and I am a part of it." the Brit starts, shaking her head and setting her jaw. As the blonde is about to interrupt her to ask questions, Lucy raises her hand and says : "I can't tell you anything more for now. But what I can tell you is that it is dangerous... and that I might not come out of it in one piece."

"W-what ?" 

"Sammy" Lucy says in a determined voice. "All I want is a goodbye from you, in case of something happens..."

The middy is too astonished to actually move or say anything. 

So Lucy only asks her eye-permission, before walking toward her and fall into her arms. Sam wraps her own around her, holding her close, as Lucy's face is buried on her neck, before her chin relies on her shoulder. The memories of that night of love they shared before everything changed come back to her, and the blonde's breath is cut short. 

She can't die

"I'm sorry a-about my sister, she can be-"

"Sam, it's okay. I don't have much time left."



When Lucy pulls away, her eyes immediately fall on Sam's lips. 

She then leans in in order to capture them with her own, her hands on the girl's cheeks, caressing them and the back of her neck softly. Sam responds by kissing back as softly as Lucy does, wrapping her arms around the Brit's waist. 

After a few seconds, Lucy pulls away, putting her fingers on Sam's lips, staring at them as if she hasn't gotten enough. Sam, on the other hand, is still holding her close, which makes their foreheads almost touch. 

Lucy looks up at Sam, before saying : 

"I love you." 

The middy is in such a state of shock that she doesn't say anything, only watching Lucy get away from her embrace and walk away, turning around several times, before disappearing in the forest next to Sam's dorm. 

I love you too.


UCLA | Abby and Steph's apartment

Abby opens the door, ready to be reunited with her girlfriend after a long, hard day of awful and boring classes. 

But once she gets to the living room, she immediately knows it won't be a pleasant evening with her girlfriend. 

Steph, along with Lucy Bronze, has her hands tied in front of her, as her eyes spot Abby. She tries to warn her about something, but when Abby feels something cold touching the back of her head, she immediately raises her hands in the air. 

"You bitches thought you could play me, uhh ?"

Ashlyn's voice resonates in the room, before she hits Abby in the back of her head, despite Steph's screams. 

She collapses after a few seconds. 

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