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"I wanted you to be the first person to find out." 

Zach Ertz has seen many things for his future : great career, being helpful to humanitarian organisation, travelling to amazing places... But he would never have thought to be a dad that early, especially since his ex-girlfriend is the mother. That night, six months ago, they came across each other in a party, and it happened. With no ambiguity at all, because they both know what sexual orientation Julie has. It was kind of a mistake.  

But here it is now, and he is slowly shaking his head, as Julie is standing in front of him. 

"Y-you're six months pregnant ?"

"A little bit more than that, actually, yes."

"Why haven't you told me before then ?" he asks, trying to processing the news. 

"I found out recently... I mean, I was puking pretty often, and then I had heat strokes... It's actually my sister who suggested me to have a pregnancy test, because me gaining weight was weird..."

"Woah that..."

"A lot, I know." Julie says, as the boy sits down on a bank. She does the same thing, trying to get what he is going through right now. "I didn't know if you wanted to know, but figured it was your right. You don't have to be there tho, I can handle it on my own..."

"No" Zach cuts her, before asking for permission. Julie nods, as he puts his hand on her stomach, cracking a smile. "I want to be here. I want to see my kid grow, help him or her achieve his or her dreams. And I wanna help you."

That makes Julie smile. 

"Do you know the sex of the baby ?" Zach then asks, caressing Julie's stomach softly, with teary eyes. 

"It's a girl."

"Hey, baby girl" he whispers, smiling. Then, something makes him laugh, and when Julie raises her eyebrow at him, he adds : "Imagine how weird this situation would've been if you weren't a lesbian."

They both laugh in sync for five minutes, before Julie becomes serious again. Zach frowns, knowing that something is bothering her. He then makes the connection, and asks in a soft tone : 

"Speaking of lesbians, does your girlfriend know ?" 

Julie shakes her head. 

"She's not really my girlfriend..." she starts, but when Zach gives her his 'not the point' look, she sighs and says : "No, Haley doesn't know."

"Who knows then ?"

"Well, for now ? Only Olivia and you. But I'm planning on announcing it to the team this week, if you're okay with that."

"Your body your rules, Julie" Zach jokes. "Look, I have to go back to Chicago because of the games coming soon, but I'll try my best and be here as much as possible. You're not in this alone, and I'm sure your sister will help too."

"Okay, see you then."

"Oh, and Julie ?"

"Yes ?"

"Thank you, because I wouldn't have wanted a better mother for my child." 


Lindsey is feeling nauseous today. 

As she is lying down on her bed, waiting for Sonnett to come back with food and medication, she hears someone open the door. Thinking that it only is her other roommate, Kassey, she doesn't even bother to look. 

But when she hears Megan's sweet voice, she jumps on the side, in shock. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" the blonde says, obviously embarrassed. 

And the fact that Lindsey is in her Sponge Bob panties is not helping. Blushing like hell, Lindsey puts a cover on her body, and says : 

"Hey, it's okay"

"Sonnett sent me buy you some food, so I thought that I'd just go with MacDonald's since you love it so much" Megan then says, smirking, blushing a little bit as well. "Of course I took the vegetarian burger because I know you don't like the way they treat animals. And I asked for cocktail sauce because you don't like ketchup alone."

This makes Lindsey's jaw drop.

"Y-you remembered all that ?" she asks in disbelief. 

"Of course" Megan says, before blushing a little bit more. "I-I mean, we're teammates. Those are things you learn about each other because of the after-games and stuff."

"I guess."

There is an uncomfortable silence, that Megan breaks, saying : 

"Well, I should get going, Kailen is picking me up in two minutes. See you around, and get well soon !"

"Will do."

When she blonde closes the door behind her, Lindsey shakes her head. You can't. She is with someone that loves her and that she loves. Why would she want you ? Shaking her head slightly, she starts eating the burger Megan got her. 

And where the fuck is Sonnett when I need her ?


"Mal, wait up !"

The dark-haired turns around, before shaking her head, a huge smirk on her face.

Jessie Fleming is running to catch up with her, her bag under her arms. It's actually noon in UCLA, and Mal was about to get some food. That night they spent on the boat, and then in prison, was one to remember : as soon as they were in the police station, they started talking, and it didn't stop until their parents (Jessie's and Mal's dad) came to pick them up. 

They both got grounded, but it was totally worth it. 

"Yo" Mal lets out, unimpressed. 

Jessie, who is out of breath, smirks. 

"I'm buying us dinner. It's the least I can do after the 'boat incident'" she explains, smiling. As Mal is about to speak, she quickly adds : "And you have no choice, so deal with it."

"Fine, master"

The Canadian smirks, shaking her head. As they bought some foot and are exiting the shop, Jessie suddenly starts smiling for no reason. 

"What ?" Mal asks, suddenly worried. 

When Jessie looks at her, she says : 

"I forgot something very important on that boat" 

The forward raises her eyebrows.

"Holy crap, what was it ? I hope you'll get it back because-"

Jessie's lips are on hers before Mal can even finish her sentence. 

Her stomach is ripped apart by wild butterflied, while Jessie's hands reach for her hips, only kissing her softly. Mal doesn't kiss back, not sure what is really happening. When Jessie pulls away, she smirks. 

Mal's face is decomposing. 

"Done" Jessie only comments, before starting to walk and eat her food in the same time. 

Mal is so shook that she just watches the girl walk away, her mouth half-opened. 

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