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Kop has been sitting on the hospital's porch for the last three hours, on her own. She couldn't just leave before making sure Julie was okay. Something in her wanted to go, but her heart is trapped in between Julie's hands, even though they're crushing it a little bit more. 

The front door opens, as Zach comes and sits down next to her in silence. After a few minutes, he just says : 

"Freya Kailen Johnston."

Kop looks up : the baby's name. 

"Congratulations, Zach. I'm happy for you guys."

The boy frowns.

"Why didn't you join us ? Julie asked for you, and when I came to look for you, they said you were gone..."

"I'm not Julie's greatest love" the keeper thoughtfully says, looking in emptiness. She then buries her face in her hands for a second, before adding : "Who am I compared to a girl that has loved her for five years ?"

There is a little silence, that Zach breaks by saying : 

"The girl she wants."

Kop immediately looks up at the boy, who has a thoughtful smile on his face. Is he messing with me or something ? the keeper asks herself, before realizing that Maro is here as well, standing in the night. Zach taps on Kop's shoulder, before leaving the two girls alone. The German doesn't even bother to sit down, as a mortified expression sits on her face.

Nevertheless, she cracks a smile. 

"Take care of her, will you ?" Maro says in a whisper. 

But Kop heard that well. She stands up and faces the German, frowning. 

"You're letting go that easily ?" 

The tattooed girl smirks. 

"I was wrong about you, Kopmeyer. You didn't steal her from me : she just fell in love with you because you're perfect for her."

"I don't understand..."

"You loved her enough to stay, and then you loved her enough to let her be with someone else just to avoid her the heartbreak. You deserve her."


Maro raises her hand, before giving it for Kop to shake. Once the keeper does it, Maro only smirks, before repeating : 

"Take care of her, okay ? I will be just fine if I know she has someone like you in her life."

There is a long silence, during which the German turns around and starts to walk away. After a few seconds, Kop says : 

"I will."

But Maro doesn't turn around. 

Sam enters the room after throwing the gun that helped kill Lucy in the middle of the river nearby. When she realizes that Lucy is on the ground, medication in her hand, she freezes, before rushing toward her. 

The Brit is unconscious. Holy fuck not you too. You're too pretty to die. The middy, who (thank God) has taken first aid classes a few months ago, knows how to deal with medication overdose : she puts her fingers in Lucy's mouth, deep enough to make her throw up the med. The brunette then starts coughing, while Sam is making sure she is okay. 

But she is obviously not doing okay. 

"Shit..." Lucy breathes out. 

That affected her more than I thought... Sam thinks to herself, feeling sorry for such a pure person as Lucy is. Killing someone - taking a life away, whether it's a good person or not - is never something that leave people complete. A part of Lucy vanished that night - the part that made her feel like a good person. 

As the defender is bursting into tears, Sam wraps her arms around her. Lucy lets her body go against Sam's, burying her face on the girl's chest, grabbing her clothes in order to keep her balance, even if she's sitting down. 

Sam holds her close. 

"You're not in this alone, Lucy... I'm here. Come on."

But that doesn't stop Lucy from crying every single tear that is left in her. Once she is done, she and Sam just remain in that position, only in a normal hug, as Lucy wraps her arms around Sam's neck, hugging her close. It's her way to say thank you.

Because right now, Sam is the only one of her teammates she knows and trusts. And the only one that seems to calm her down.

Ever since the Thorns are in town, Megan feels left alone. 

Of course she is happy Lindsey is seeing her friends again, but something odd is happening : she misses her. Why would I miss my friend ? That's insane. Despite those conflicting thoughts, Megan knows it's reality : she needs Lindsey now, because she helped her get back on track, but on the other hand, she knows she can't do that to Kailen. 

So she just remains silent, swallowing her rage. She hangs out with Steph - who obviously is devastated after Abby left, so they kind of understand each other at that level - a lot, and also Sonnett, who is very funny. 

After practice today, Lindsey sees that something is off in Megan. So she jogs after her after training, finally able to stop her by putting a hand on her shoulder. 

"Hey, sorry I haven't been here recently" the middy apologizes, and she immediately knows she is right to say that when Megan's facial expression changes. "Maybe we could go for a walk ? What do you say ?"


The two girls, after walking in silence for a good fifteen minutes, finally find a place to sit down, facing the lake. 

But Megan thinks that it's now necessary to break the silence :

"I think we should stop hang out that much together."

That immediately makes Lindsey frown. The middy looks at her, confused, and then she sees a little spark in Megan's eyes that makes her understand. 

"I'm sorry if I did something inappropriate or that you didn't like... You know I respect Kailen and that I would never..."

"... I mean it's totally my fault because I'm stuck on that thought that I am betraying her every time I get close to someone and..." Megan says in the same time.

"... No it's my fault I..."

"No, Lindsey..."

There is a blank, and then the weirdest thing happens : both staring into each other's eyes, they lean in very, very slowly, not breaking the eye contact. But when their lips get so close that they can feel each other's breaths brushing their skin, Megan gets up, and Lindsey does the same, very embarrassed. 

Neither of them can say anything, so Megan just throws a 'sorry' look at Lindsey, before jogging back to her form, leaving Lindsey in shock. 

What the hell was that ? What the fuck were you thinking, Linds


a/n : sorry for the #TeamMaro, but Kop wins Julie's heart. 

so, around half of the story, what are your thoughts on it ? What do you expect/want to happen to the ships/players/team ?

also, thanks once again for your great involvement in that story, especially the hilarious comments that gets me every time because you are trying to figure out things but never manage to do so ahahahah

- C 

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