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"What the fuck is wrong with you, Kratchet ?" Steph exclaims, reducing everybody else on the room to silence. As soon as Julie called her around 8 pm to announce her that her best friend was drunk in her room, the forward has rushed there. "You better start talking."


"You fucking don't lie to me-"


Megan's voice is as sharp as ice, and that makes the brunette shut up.

On the dorm are the three roommates, but also Steph, Abby and Lindsey, who came as soon as possible, while Kassey and Sonnett are looking for ice in order to put on Kristie's head because she bumped into something while drunk. 

Everybody is in shock but Julie, who knows what it feels like to get lost. 

"Girls, I think we should let her be" the defender settles. 

Seeing that Kristie is lying down on the bed, silently insulting all of them in her head probably, and that there is no need to insist further on for her to talk because it won't happen, Julie wisely decided to make everybody but her and Megan exit the room. Steph doesn't like the idea, and knows it's a good idea. 

As they are exiting the room, Steph grabs her girlfriend's arm. 

She drags her to a place where nobody would hear or even see them, looking around her. She then takes several deep breathes, as Abby realizes she is sweating. So that makes her freak out : when Steph sweats, it means that she is either having a great workout session, or that she has something big to announce. 

Oh no.

"Stephanie ?" 

After the defender questions her, Steph immediately spits out : 

"I'm sorry I got angry I just didn't want you gone I don't want you gone I want you to stay here with me because I am nothing without you and I need and love you so please I'm a loser without you Abby I need..."

"Stephy, take some deep breaths" Abby orders, relieved. 

The brunette nods. 

"I know this is an amazing opportunity baby..." she starts, trying to control her emotions. "B-but, it might sound selfish but I don't want you to be far away from me... I'm so scared of life when you're not here..."

"Hey" Abby says, pulling her girlfriend into a tight hug. "Please, let not waste our time fighting over stuff that are not even happening... We'll see where this year bring us, but either way I am determined to enjoy every moment with you babe."

Steph has never held her closer and tighter. 


Julie sighs. 

Since Kristie is not feeling well today because she drank too much alcohol, she had to go through the 30 girls that passed the tryouts to chose that one forward they wanted to add to the team. So after hours in a burning sun judging everybody, Julie made a decision. It was quite obvious, because the girl has something special. 

So in the end of the tryouts, the blonde goes back to her dorm after calling Kop all the way to it. The two girls talked about the tryouts, and the whole team situation. The goalie told her that her former team - Stanford - was on point and ready for the season to start. Despite all the new faces, Sam managed to do team activities to bring the girls together. Julie smiles ; she can see the other Mewis sister so that just fine. 

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