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"Kailen was more than a good soccer player. Way more than that actually.
"She was a symbol of fierce, non-resilience and boldness, as well as a beautiful soul and person. I remember our endless walks on the beach where she just told me all those stories about her grandfather during World War II.
"I thank the universe every day to have met her, because she brought the best in me. Now that she's gone, all I wanna think is that she's somewhere higher than the clouds, looking at us and making fun of us for making such a sad boring ass ceremony for her."

"She was a symbol of fierce, non-resilience and boldness, as well as a beautiful soul and person. I remember our endless walks on the beach where she just told me all those stories about her grandfather during World War II.
"I thank the universe every day to have met her, because she brought the best in me. Now that she's gone, all I wanna think is that she's somewhere higher than the clouds, looking at us and making fun of us for making such a sad boring ass ceremony for her."

Laughs are invading the memorial, as Megan wipes her tears away, now looking at the sky.

"Goodbye, Kailen. I will love you forever."


Jane sighs.

"We tried to make her go out, but she only wanted to see Lindsey because 'she's calming her down'." Gibby explains, closing the dorm's door.

While Kristie and Julie are with Hao in San Francisco to talk with the committee in order to suspend the season for now, Megan is alone in her dorm for two days. Her and Lindsey have had deep talks, and the brunettes seems to be the only person that can cheer Megan on.

Rose sighs.

"She needs some space."

"True" Jane lets out, before exchanging a look with Rachel.

Caprice, who doesn't look that comfortable, smirks.

"We should do something fun today" the Hawaiian says, smiling. "With all that happened I feel like we could use that."

"With Hope Solo on the loose ? No thanks."

The sass coming out of Rachel's voice makes Jane burst into laughter, while Danny only gives her a bow in the ribs.

Caprice doesn't look offended the slightlest.

"We don't have to go out in order to have fun, do we ?" she insists, raising her eyebrows. "I mean, I'll bring alcohol, and someone bring some music and we're on for the night. What do y'all say ? I'm gonna ask the others."

Before anybody can say anything, the girl is already out of the room, as Rachel and Danny are debating about the fact that what Rachel said wasn't that bad. Meanwhile, Lindsey gets out of the room while nobody is around it, as Megan's fallen asleep.

The brunette has her phone in hand, with a text on the screen :

In 30 minutes in Bradley's. Don't be late, I have someone for you to meet.

- HS

Shit, Lindsey thinks to herself, knowing very well that if she doesn't show up, Hope Solo won't have any mercy on her friends. She has to follow her orders, otherwise both her and her teammates are over.

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