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Julie smiles. 

If it wasn't for Olivia being by her side, her life would be a lot more complicated. Her sister indeed is a true sunshine, and brings her so much goofiness and fake stupidity that it is almost hard not to laugh. 

Their relationship has grown the past months, as Julie brought Olivia back home to make her meet her biological parents. After apologizing for giving her up at birth, they had a deep talk and now have agreed on helping her pay the college bills. As Olivia is going through the procedures to have the American passport as well so that she doesn't need a visa and can stay in the U.S. to finish her studies, the two sisters have bounded. 

Right now, they're at a cafe on the UCLA campus, all smiles. 

"So" Julie lets out, taking another sip. "How is Kelsey ?"

Olivia blushes, but then smile. 

"She's doing great. She likes Washington so far, and her teammates are pretty chill. I'm going to visit her pretty soon actually."

"I'm happy for you guys"

The Swede smiles at her sister, before asking : 

"What about you ?"

"What about me ?" Julie asks back, raising her eyebrow. As Olivia is giving her the classic 'you know who I am talking about' look, she sighs. There is no way out of that conversation, and even though Julie doesn't really like talking about her sentimental life, she says : "Oh, if you mean Kop, then we're still not a thing."

Olivia frowns.

"But you visited her in Seattle and spent an entire week at her loft" the blonde points out, quite teasing her sister. "And you tell me you guys still aren't a thing ? Are you kidding ?"

Julie sighs again. 

"It's not like that... I told her I wasn't ready for a relationship, so we're just spending some time together, enjoying it, and then nothing. No attaches."

"But you are attached, aren't you ?" Olivia insists. 

"I love her, so yeah, you can say that." Julie says, honest, before shaking her head : the only thought of the goalie is giving her butterflies in the stomach. "But it doesn't matter : we're not in the same place in our lives right now."

Her sister only lets a small 'okay' out, before getting lost in her thoughts. Just when Julie thought Olivia was done asking her questions about the goalie, the Swede lifts her head again and asks : 

"How did she react when she heard about Solo's escape ?"

Julie smirks. 

"Not well. I've never seen her so angry and worried in the same time. She even proposed on coming here more often."

"That's cute" Olivia insists. "Kelsey just was like 'if I see that bitch, I'll kill her'. And even her tone was chill when she said that."

"That's so her" Julie comments.

As the conversation is heading somewhere else, the two girls are disturbed by two cops heading their way. Oh hell no, not again, Julie thinks to herself removing her sunglasses. Olivia does the same, as a police officer show the girls his badge. 


Julie doesn't even have to ask herself about what those two cops are here for : Hope Solo. She sighs, before one of them says : 

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