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Kassey feels her phone buzz in her pocket.

She looks around her : in the car are also Lindsey, Sonnett and Megan, all talking together, having a few laughs. Ever since things happened with Kristie, Kassey has been avoiding her big time, and so does Kristie. They're just acting as if it never happened, and it is probably for the best, because Kassey doesn't know where to stand anymore.

As her three teammates are caught up by their conversation, Kassey reads the text from an unknown number :

Get ready.

This can't be good, the defender thinks to herself. She doesn't know what she should be more nervous about : Lynn Williams being on the same field than her after having an appointment with Hope, or seeing Kristie go down or something.

She shakes her head, upset.

Can I have more information for once '?

Her text being delivered, the blonde locks her screen and starts looking at the view : they'll be at Stanford in less than a quarter hour, and then they have two hours to get ready for the game. Hope told her it'd be a game changer, but she still doesn't know how.

But it freaks her out.

When her phone buzzes again, Kassey's heart misses a few beats :

Blood bath.

Fearing that her teammates would read the text, she immediately deletes the conversation, sweating.

Lindsey, who realizes that Kassey's face is white as fuck, asks :

"Kass, are you okay ?"

"U-u-uhm... Y-yeah" the blonde stammers, before controlling her emotions again and adding : "I'm just nervous, that's all."

"There's no need to be !" Megan exclaims, smiling.

Kassey nods.

If only they knew...



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