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Kristie is quite mad today. 

First of all, she didn't give her best performance for the first two training of the year. Everybody does as if everything was okay, joking around about her not keeping the ball or making mistakes that lead to a goal. Of course they are innocent : they just try to bring something positive to the game, to the group. 

But Kristie is not here to laugh. 

Ever since she was named captain, her goal has been to be a pillar to this team. And this isn't going to happen if you fucking give up goals. She knows that if her sister heard her right now, she'd try to come up with something stupid to make her laugh, and then talk to her about how she is her model or something. But Kristie doesn't care about all that, and Sam is not here. 

So when Kassey Kallman enters the locker room, as everybody but Kristie is gone, that upsets the blonde. 

"Are you fucking kidding me ?" she aggressively asks, facing the girl with pride and anger.

Kassey takes a step back, surprised. 

"Coach wanted a word with me, that's all" she tries to explain calmly, but Kristie hasn't got time for excuses : 

"I don't give a shit about your lame excuses : I need time for myself, Kallman, so you better get out of here."

The newly arrived knows what Kristie is going through : she is a bitch because of it. Of course she has heard rumors about her being cold, but being way over her head normally isn't in the prescription. 

Kassey is a clever girl, so she only says : 

"I will, once I showered, because the water is cold at the dorms."

Her confidence leaves Kristie angry. 

"No, you don't understand..." she starts, getting on her feet. 

But the other girl has no time to discuss. She undresses in front of Kristie, grabbing her towel and shampoos, before staring right at her with assurance. 

"No, I think you don't understand, princess : I will shower here, and just because you're moody doesn't mean it's not my right. If you wanted to be alone, you should've gone somewhere where there actually aren't people" Kassey firmly says, shaking her head and setting her jaw. She then takes a step further around Kristie. "Now, if you will excuse me..."

The blonde doesn't move a bit, as Kassey tries to find a way to the shower. Once she is on it, Kristie starts thinking : Holy Hell, who does she think she is ? That only thought has her fired up. So without thinking, she angrily walks into the shower, as Kassey is turning her back on her. She then stops the shower, and when Kassey tries to turn around, Kristie punches her against the wall, gluing her front body to Kassey's back, restraining her from moving. 

As Kassey groans because of the pain, Kristie's hands reaches for her hips, as her lips find their way to her neck, and then ears : 

"I don't know who you think you are, Kallman, but I'm the boss here. So, let me give you some advice : you don't fucking get to respond to me, and you don't get to decide what you can or can't do, got it?"

Kassey, who obviously is in some kind of pain, has trouble breathing because of the pressure Kristie is applying. Nevertheless, she shivers, and so dos Kristie. Damn, her body is not that bad looking at all... she thinks to herself, before Kassey manages to push her away a little an turn around. Their eyes meet again, and Kristie freezes. She can't help but check the girl out, as Kassey has her arms crossed against her chest.

Suddenly, the blonde takes several steps backwards. What the fuck am I even doing ? Kristie thinks to herself, as Kassey puts her hands on her body, covering it. Kristie shakes her head, suddenly feeling nauseous. This is not me. When did I get so angry ?

She throws an ultimate look at Kassey, who is in shock right now, before walking out of the shower and building. What the actual fuck was that ? she repeats to herself, trying to ignore the fact that she screwed up big time. 

She needs to call her sister.


Steph doesn't want Abby to be sad. 

Ever since the blonde got back in UCLA, her thoughts are already on next year, and how they're going to survive without each other. The brunette has been trying to come up with something comforting to say all day, without saying anything, but nothing came to her mind : she is afraid too. 

Afraid to lose her. 

So when she enters their room and sees her girlfriend lying down on the flank, she sighs and puts her bag on her own bed. She then slips under the covers with the blonde, wrapping an arm around her to make her feel loved and protected. As they cuddle, Steph carefully kisses the girl's neck. 

"Baby girl" she carefully start, as she hears Abby silently crying. "I know it's our last year, but please don't already think about the Draft. You won't lose me, babe. Never."

Abby shakes her head. 

"W-what if w-we get traded a-at two v-very different p-places ?" the blonde asks, stammering. 

The forward is confused. 

"What do you mean ?"

"I got an offer to join Rosengard after I get my diploma" Abby reveals. 

That immediately makes Steph's heart shatter. 

"W-w-wait, Rosengard as in the Swedish team ?" she asks, as she is pretty shaken up by the news. Why did she not mention it before? "When were you going to tell me ?"

"Please, don't do what you always do" Abby begs, shaking her head, turning around to face Steph. 

The brunette puts her hands off her, shaking her head in disbelief. She then angrily asks : 

"Do what ?"

"Get angry and leave" the defender clears out, shaky. "I never mentioned it before because I was scared of your reaction..."

"Are you going to accept the offer ?" Steph asks, frowning. 

"I-I don't k-know yet" Abby says, honest. "No, Steph, wait !"

But at the end of the sentence, Steph is already out of the room, the door brutally closed with an huge noise. Abby buried her face in her hands. 

I didn't tell you because of that kind of reaction

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