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Lucy starts freaking out.

Holy Hell I killed her.

After spending half an hour on her dorm's bathroom washing her hands because they smell like death, she starts walking in circles on the dorm, hands on her head.

What do I do with the fucking gun ?

When someone knock on the door, Lucy jumps a little bit. She then hides her bad under her bed, and tries to wipe her tears away. Shit. Shit. Shit. Her blurry thoughts restrain her from seeing who's at the door, but when she does, she is not reassured.

Sam Mewis is there, and her smile soon leaves her lips when she realizes that Lucy is freaking out.

"Are you okay ?" Sam immediately asks.

The defender, who is trying her best to swallow her tears, says :


With that said, she bursts into tears.

Sam immediately surrounds her with her arms, quite in shock : she always thought the Brit would be tough and strong all the time, but seeing her so vulnerable just brings her more of an human side.

After a few seconds of supporting her the best that she can, Sam pulls away, frowning.

"Solo is dead" Sam says, trying to cheer the girl on. "Lindsey told me Kassey was with her at first but wanted to change. But now that she's dead, we're left alone ! And..."

"I killed her."

Sam's eyes go wide.

"What ?"

"You heard me..."

There is a long silence. She'll run back to her friends to tell them I'm a murderer. Lucy looks down : she didn't come for any of this. All she wanted was a great place to study, that's it. And now she's got blood in her hands within the first weeks she got here. But now that she thinks about it, she regrets saying anything. 

Because now Sam knows it's weird that Lucy and Hope were in the same location at the same time. Maybe be honest

"But how-" Sam starts, frowning. 

"I was working for her, kind of" Lucy spills out, and Sam's facial expression immediately changes. Once Lucy tells the the whole story, she is decomposing, but the Brit still adds : "So that's how I got there. The shot was unexpected." 

Sam looks like she's just seen a ghost. 

"Uhm... At least you're honest..."

"I'm sorry..." Lucy continues, staring into the other girl's eyes. "All  wanted was to integrate my dream university, but I come from a poor area, and my foster family doesn't have the means to pay for my studies..."

"Hey" Sam interrupts her, grabbing her shoulders. "Look, we'll figure this out. But until I come up with something clever to do, let's keep this between us. Deal ?"

Lucy, who is quite shocked by Sam's kindness, looks down and says : 



The doctor comes into the waiting room, and everybody gets on their feet in the same time. Despite the fact that he looks beyond exhausted, his face is pretty neutral, which makes the girls worry a little bit more. 

He then says : 

"Your friend is one of the toughest patient I've ever treated. When she arrived, I thought she'd die within the first two hours, but she held on. We were able to stop the bleeding on her chest and remove the bullet, but we had to put her in an artificial coma. So... She's alive but we don't know when she's going to wake up."

The silence is even more quiet than the dead.

Kristie feels her legs shaking : she doesn't know what to think of this, as the words are just gone from her mind. So Steph thoughtfully wraps her arm around her best friend's shoulder, before asking the doctor : 

"Can we see her ?"

The man looks sorry. 

"She is too weak to be visited. But we can allow one person if needed." 

All eyes are now on Kristie. 

"You should go" Megan indicates her, while Steph is slowly pushing her toward the man.

The middy nods, shook. 

Nevertheless, she follows the doctor to Kassey's room : she's right here, lying on her back, connected to machines that keep her alive by multiple wires, more beautiful than ever. Kristie takes a deep breath, as the doctor is closing the door behind him, in order to grant them some privacy. Kristie immediately walks toward Kassey. 

She sets her jaw. 

Why does it hurt like hell ? the blonde wonders, frowning. 

She then sits down on the chair next to Kassey, to afraid to even touch her because of how weak she seems to be. Only the continued sounds of the machines are animating the room, while Kristie stops breathing for a while. Her hand reaches out of Kassey, before the other also gets on top of Kassey's. 

Kristie's body immediately reacts. 

I love her

That simple realization is enough for Kristie to start crying. She knows that even if she denies it, she couldn't forget about how shitty she feels right now. I'd rather be in her place, the blonde thinks, her tears falling down her cheeks. After Lindsey, Sofia and Moe explained the team what happened with Hope, and also at the restaurant, Kristie was in shock : Kassey said she cared about people on that team, and the had people to protect. 

That she wanted to protect Kristie. 

"Fuck you" the middy whispers, looking at the other girl, before running her fingers through Kassey's hair softly. The memories of the nights they shares just jump back at her face, and that makes her sick. "Fuck you, you can't just give up now."

She feels dead inside. 

"Wake up. Please." 


Abby's life just took a dark turn. 

That file on her bed just proves that her real mother is not the one that recently passed out from cancer, leaving her with a great heritage and good memories, but is in fact Hope Solo, a psychopath that pretty much ruined the lives of everybody she loved, both in UCLA and Stanford. 

Her breathing is heavy. 

I need to get out of here

Thinking that she could never be seen the same by her teammates, friends, and even her girlfriend, she packs her bags, taking advantage of the fact that Steph - who lives with her - comes across the little note where she explains everything, as well as the files. Teary-eyes, Abby leaves the apartment. 

The last sentence of the note is : 

To you, my soulmate, our love will live on in my heart forever.

She gets on the train, not looking back, destroyed. 

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