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Those are the worse kind of chapter a writer ever has to write : the ending.

I don't have much to say, besides : 


I will never find the right words to tell you guys what your comments, votes and messages meant to me. You gave me the confidence to write stories and actually believe that maybe what I do can be good. 

That maybe people enjoy ready my work. 

I will not stop writing, at least not now : you can still find new stories (and old) on my profile. But for now, we're getting to the end of a series I had to much fun writing.

Bruins has been fun, and you guys have been amazing. 


@Meh_queen, you know very well what I think of you. I wouldn't have the motivation to write all those chapter if I didn't know you would read them and make my day.

@PerrySolo, you're my personal adviser. Thank you for taking the time to answer my many, MANY questions, I appreciate it and I owe you loads.

@uswnthoran, because you're still here, my friend. Don't worry, much more is to come for Lindsey. 

@stebbs0921, thanks for still being here as well and sticking with me whatever weird shit I'm writing aha.

@MiraLinSoccer, despite being a late arrival, thank you. Your comments are always so much fun to read.

And there are many more people I could thank, because the time you're using to read my stories means everything. 


{man that was cheesy}

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