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Tomorrow is game day.

I need to fucking find a player, Julie thinks to herself for the 100th time today. She knows the team is counting on her, and that's why she left the hospital. Rose indeed was drugged, and it appeared to be the exact sane drug that got Kristie last year. Hao is now dealing with the authorities, who have realized that the players are in danger once again.

While several members of the team are either in the hospital with Rose, or attending classes, Julie picks Steph to come with her to try and find a player. Since Rose will be available tomorrow after her treatments, they only have to find one player to replace Julie. Not necessarily a defender, since Kassey can play both in the midfield and in the defensive half. So Julie called Shelina to ask her for help.

And she sent them here, in that small university that doesn't have a proper women's soccer team.

"We're supposed to find a very good player in this mess ?" Steph nonchalantly asks, rolling her eyes.

Julie sighs.

"Look, we just need one player. She won't necessary play, it's just for the numbers, Hoodrat, so behave."


When they get to the soccer field, they're impressed by the way the girls are playing : even without a proper coach, there is a certain level. Julie immediately spots one girl playing in the midfield, who just did an impressive run on the side to start a counter attack. She drags Steph by the arm and walk toward the girl during their break.

The girl in question looks like she's Hawaiian, with dark hair and eyes, but with a tan skin and huge smile on her face. She must've recognize the two girls approaching her, because she stops talking to her teammates and approach them.

"Hey !" she greets them, before spotting Steph's grin and Julie's surprised face and adding : "I heard what happened to you guys, it's awful... I hope everything's all right."

"You must be Caprice, right ?" Julie asks smiling.

"Caprice Dydasco, yes" the Hawaiian says in a joyful voice. Damn, too much happiness in her it's unbearable, Steph thinks to herself, while Julie only smiles. "What can I do for you ?"

Julie smiles.

"Shelina told us about you" she starts, and Caprice immediately smiles again when she hears the name of her mentor. "Look, we're down a player... and even two, so we need your help, if you don't mind..."

"My help ?"

"There's an available spot on the team if you want."

Caprice immediately smiles.

"Really ?"

"Yes." Julie confirms, smirking. "Our coach is ready to offer you a study loan if you're willing to come and study in UCLA."

"Hell yes !" Caprice lets out, before hugging the blonde.

The truth is that her family was too poor to send her to a great university, and now is her opportunity to do so.

So when Julie pulls away, she adds :

"Are you searching for another player ?"

"Well... One of our midfielders is in the hospital right now, and we are not sure she'll be able to be back on her feet soon..."

"Maybe I can find you someone ?"

Julie and Steph exchange a look, quite surprised.

"Sure, if you know someone ?"

"Wait here."

As soon as she said that, Caprice runs back to the pitch to find one of her friends - a brunette with a warm expression in her eyes. When Caprice drags her here, the girl looks like she's seen a ghost.

Caprice, on the other hand, is pleased.

"Meet Danny, my friend."

"Hey" Julie kindly says.

She soon realizes that the girl is very quiet and calm, and also probably shy or something, because she answers with a nod. Steph, who is quite thankful that someone is actually shutting their mouth, smirks.

"Welcome to the team, Danny. What's your last name ?"

"Colaprico" the girl says.

"Then welcome to the Bruins, Danny Colaprico."


Ever since the 'Rose Lavelle Incident', the police have posted security guards around the dorms and training centers, as well as some other across campus, and they did the same to Stanford. To be fair, the girls are terrified - most of them at least - but they're trying not to show that. In order to do so, they are just joking around and having each other's backs.

After introducing the new additions - Caprice and Danny both being sophomores - to the rest of the team, Kristie and Julie go back to Hao's office to discuss about the team's strategy to adopt for tomorrow's game, and also deal with the papers for the two newbie's' insertion to the university.

Meanwhile, Lindsey and Rachel join the other youngsters, to visit Rose in the hospital, which leaves Kassey alone at her dorm.

Earlier today, Kassey got a missed call from an unknown number. She locked the dorm's room, before sitting on her bed and calling it back. It rings for about thirty seconds, before she hears Hope's husky voice on the other side of the phone :

"Is it done ?"

"You mean the letter thing ? Yes."

"Good. Now, I have another mission for you."

"But I have a game tomorrow and I'm a starter, and since you said I needed to get UCLA as far as I could in the competition God knows why, I need to be fit and rested."

Hope's laugh tenses Kassey up.

"Don't be dramatic" the keeper says, making fun of her a little bit. She then sighs. "I want you to investigate on who are the two newbies, because I need one of them in my side."

"That's not possible, they basically are cinnamon rolls so they won't do anything..."

"You also look like a cinnamon roll, Kass. Good thing appearances don't reflect who we really are..."

The middy shakes her head, as someone is knocking on her dorm's door.

"Look, I have to go..."

"Do what I want, otherwise..." Hope starts, serious. And before Kassey can say anything else, the former player adds : "Get that Mewis girl in your bed."

She hangs off, and Kassey hides the phone.

When she opens the door, she sighs : of course that fucking Mewis had to be here now. Kassey's thought must've reflected in her eyes, because Kristie frowns.

"I'm glad you're feeling better. I mean, your bitch face is back."

"What do you want ?"

"I need you to come with me" Kristie orders, and her captain's soul just makes Kassey shut up and listen to her. "Now."



Lindsey opens the letter, frowning.

Hello, Lindsey.

You might me wondering who I am, but I think the answer is quite obvious. I know what you did, I know who you are.

With that said, I wanted you to know that what I order you, you'll obey, otherwise I will destroy your career and your friendships, and everything you have left.

Good luck for your game tomorrow.

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