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Mal and Jessie are lying down on the field, stars above of them.

When the forward peacefully reaches for the Canadian's hand, Jessie doesn't even move, because it has all become natural : nobody know about them seeing each other. They're not a couple yet, but there are two reasons they aren't showing others they like each other : 1) because their teammates would always tease them about being the two babies of each teams and 2) because of everything that has been going on recently.

When Mal realizes that Jessie has tears in her eyes, she frowns.

"What's wrong ?"

Jessie looks toward her, teary-eyed.

"I miss Kailen."

Knowing that the keeper was one of Jessie's best friends - that she met on her first day in the University when they both were freshmen, and then went through a lot with her - and losing her was a big shock for the Canadian.

Mal selflessly puts her arm under Jessie's neck, holding her against her breast.

"I know." She whispers, kissing Jessie's forehead. "You'll get through this I swear. It'll take time, and the pain won't entirely go away, but so do the memories. You'll see : she'll live on through you."

Jessie sighs.

"Imagine what Oyster must feel right now..."

"Oh she'll be fine, believe me" Mal tries to reassure her, smirking. "She has very good friends, and is finding a way to enjoy life again."

"You mean : she's got Lindsey now."

The forward frowns because the tone of the middy is quite harsh. She sighs : of course Jessie doesn't like what's going on.

"You know, she brings her joy. Let them be."

"I know, but you can't replace Kailen like that. Not that early." Jessie insists.

Mal shakes her head.

"You know, if I was dead..."

"... Don't say that !" the Canadian exclaims, tensing up.

"... I would want you to be happy."

That makes Jessie stop breathing for a while.

She then looks up and moves a little bit, so that she's leveled up with Mal, who can't help but look down at her lips. Their foreheads are touching, while they are looking into each other's eyes with depth.

"I would too" Jessie whispers.

She then gets a little closer and closes the gap between them. They kiss each other softly, until their mouths are dry.


"Don't be fucking revolutionary right now, we certainly don't need another death on our conscience, okay ? Sit the fuck down"

Sofia sighs, but knows they're right : so she sits down at the table as well.

The restaurant Hope picked for them is pretty cool : it's a vegan thing - so no chance for any girl on the team to show up here, because nobody is vegan on both sides - downtown, pretty far from both campuses. The three girls - the H Team, some may say - are now waiting for a sign, anything coming from the former goalie.

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