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Kristie doesn't get worried very often, but right now she basically is freaking out in a very chill mode.

As soon as she saw Kelsey in the hospital to visit Julie - and mostly support Olivia - she went to her and explained the whole situation about Kassey maybe being in danger. And since everything happening in the hospital is Maro and Kop having kind of a cold war waiting for the girl they love to wake up, Becky and Shelina (who got here with Kelsey, who is now her teammate in Washington) patiently waiting for her student to wake up, and then the three girls just standing here.

So she takes Kelsey and Olivia with her, thinking that an extra-informatics-genius wouldn't be a big loss.

"Do you know if she has the GPS on ?" the goalie asks.

Kristie raises her eyebrows.

"How the hell would I know that ?"

"Just asking" Kelsey lets out.

Olivia, who doesn't really like the tone the blonde is using, hisses :

"Take a chill pill, Kris. We're here to help."

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"Here" Kelsey lets out, thoughtful.

The good thing about Kassey not being that good with phones is that she let the GPS on her phone, and that the genius that Kelsey is just was able to trace it. The map of the town appears, and then a little circle underlines the area where she is - or at least, where her phone is.

Kristie knows she's being maybe a little too paranoid, but with what just happened with Lynn Williams, she is convinced that Hope Solo is very close now, and planning on doing more damages any time soon.

"What the fuck" the middy lets out, as the girlfriends exchange a look. "Why would she go on an abandoned factory ?"

Something ticks in Kelsey's head as she is searching information on the factory itself. And the name appearing on the website makes her set her jaw. HARRIS INC. S.A. As the keeper is trying to find more information on that, Kristie starts thinking the worst-case scenario.

What if they took her ?

"Looks like it belonged to Ashlyn's father, before he moved his company to Orlando. I guess she is using it to hide with Hope."

"It means Kassey's in trouble."

Kelsey sighs.

"Are you sure this is a good idea ?"

"What idea ?" Kristie asks, surprised. "I haven't said anything yet."

"I know that look : it's the 'I'm going with or without you Kelsey and you don't want my death on your conscience so come with me' look."

Olivia doesn't seem pleased at all.

"You're not going" she harshly says (mostly to her girlfriend, but also to Kristie).

The keeper puts a comforting hand on her girlfriend's hips, before smirking.

"Babe, you're the one in danger there" Kelsey says, trying to convince the girl. "I'm not an Engen sister, and since she got Julie, you're probably next, so you are staying here and..."

"You're not going" Olivia repeats, insisting like hell. Kristie looks down, as Kelsey shakes her head. But the Swede comes up with a pretty good argument : "Kailen wasn't an Engen either, but she got shot. That girl is crazy, and I don't want you guys to go."

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