681 29 48

Somewhere near UCLA campus

Hope starts tapping on Rose's face, but the brunette won't wake up.

"Maybe you put too much liquid..."

"Shut up" the brunette orders, which makes Ashlyn shut up.

In the room enters their newly ally, a boy called Ricky. He hands the shorthaired an envelope, before announcing a girl waiting outside of the room. Hope rolls her eyes, before making a gesture to make Ricky go away. She then turns around, only to see that Ash got the message : she puts a black band on Rose's eyes in case of she wakes up.

Then enter Lynn Williams.

"You're late" is the first thing Hope says.

The Stanford forward nods her head, before saying :

"I swear it was worth it" With that said, she then hand Hope a phone with a picture on the screen. That makes the keeper smirk : this is a medical record that absolutely allow her to blackmail someone working for her. Lynn has a serious mug on. "I think there's enough on that paper to please you."


Ash throws a confused glare at Hope.

"Wasn't the plan only to find your daughter ?"

Hope turns on her, rolling her eyes.

"I never said 'only', my love. Vengeance is a sweet thing to get."

The short-haired shakes her head, but doesn't say a word.

Rose Lavelle is starting to move on the chair, probably waking up. Ash rolls her eyes, before putting huge earphones on her ears so that she wouldn't hear them talk. She then goes back to sit down on the couch, shaking her head in disbelief.

Hope, who realizes her girlfriend is not very happy with where things are going, rolls her eyes : she knows she is in control here.

So when Lynn is throwing her a look, the former Stanford goalie says :

"We can begin the next step now."

"Why take her then ?" Lynn questions, confused.

The three girls are now looking at Rose, who is definitely conscious and panicking now.

"Because I need a shield if our guest changes her mind."

"I don't think she will : she's tough." Ash argues.

Hope throws her a dark look.

"Mmh." She lets out, before turning on Lynn. "You can let her in now, thank you."

Lynn nods, before opening the door and letting the 'guest' in.

Kassey Kallman frowns as soon as she realizes who is sitting on the chair blind-folded.

"What the fuck ?" the blonde lets out, throwing a death glare at Hope.

"Just a warning" Hope says, an huge smirk on her face. She then shows Kassey the chair in front of hers. "Please, sit."

Kassey is not convinced at all, but does sit down after all. She then looks around to see Ash and Lynn throwing deathly looks at her. She then frowns.

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