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When Abby wakes up, she hears Steph whisper :

"Don't say anything stupid"

Coming from her, the blonde thinks to herself, before opening her eyes.

The first thing she sees is Lucy on the ground, blood on the back of her head, while Steph is just sitting next to her girlfriend on the couch. Even though Abby doesn't know much about the Brit, she knows she was part of the initial plan to take Ash down, and that Sam cares about her a lot - even though she doesn't want to admit it.

Abby sets her jaw.

"Is she..." she starts.

"No, I don't think she's dead" Steph whispers. When a noise is heard on the other side of the room, the brunette then says : "It's going to be okay, baby girl. I'm right here."

The short-haired enters the room, pretty angry. 

She takes a look at the two girls sitting on the couch, before taking a peek at Lucy. Out of rage, she kicks her in the stomach. Of course she's angry at Lucy : she killed her girlfriend. But Lucy doesn't deserve that. And where the fuck is Kassey ? Abby's mind is creating more questions than answers, as usual. When Ash kicks Lucy in the stomach again, there is a gasp, as the Brit starts holding her stomach. 

Before Ash can do anything else to the poor brunette, the door rings. 

She grabs the gun she brought with her, before walking toward the door. The girls only hear some female voices claiming that they don't have anything on them. Ash comes back, the gun pointed toward the door, as Kassey and Lindsey enter the room. She indicates them to go and sit down on the couch in front of Steph and Abby, and they so it without even resisting. 

Ash is pretty much satisfied. 

"You must be wondering how I found out, right ?" the short-haired asks, pretty happy to be in charge here. She then smirks. "You know, when that bitch killed my Hopey, I first thought I wouldn't be able to do anything anymore. My soul was shattered... But then, I realized something : she wouldn't have wanted me to do nothing. She wanted to get revenge, so it's her legacy I am taking on."

A laugh escapes Kassey's throat, and when the former Cardinal looks at her, the blonde only shrugs. 

"You want revenge, Ashlyn. Hope's only goal was to provide her daughter everything she needed so that she could live a happy and healthy life."

"What are you talking about, Kallman ?"

Kassey smirks. 

"Hope told me to come over one night, when you were away. She gave me a letter, knowing that the end would be near. She thought she'd get arrested the next day, but destiny chose another ending for her." the blonde says. 

"She told you to come over ? What are you, besties ?" Ash asks, a peak of jealousy in her voice. 

"She trusted me" Kassey says in an honest voice. "She spent the last year looking for her long-lost daughter, how could you not expect her to want her help her ? She regrets the way things went twenty years ago. She was fifteen : what would a fifteen years old do with a baby to take care of ? She had a promising career ahead of her, the dad was gone... She didn't have any choice."

There are tears rolling down Abby's cheeks, and she is not sure why. 

Steph knows that her girlfriend has never healed about being abandoned and never have known her parents. All she wants to do now is pull her into a tight hug, but the circumstances are not adequate. 

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