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"Hi, my name is Ashley Sanchez, and I'm a forward

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"Hi, my name is Ashley Sanchez, and I'm a forward." 

Everybody greet her in the same time, which ultimately leads to a big collective laugh because there was no way the youngster would've understood anything. After that, Kristie gets up and quickly hugs the newly arrived, indicating her where she has to sit. After the team meeting, everybody is walking toward the field. 

As Kassey is talking with Abby and Lindsey, she feels someone tap on her shoulders, and she rolls her eyes. 

"A word please ?" Kristie coldly asks. 

After jokingly letting some 'ooouh' out, Lindsey and Abby join the others, leaving the two girls on their own. Of course Kristie is forced to apologize, and Kassey knows that : the girl would've never taken the initiative on her own. 

So Kassey says : 

"What ?"

Kristie takes a deep breath : don't respond to her freaking bitchy tone, you're better than that, and Julie will kill you if you do, she thinks to herself, trying to keep her composure. So instead of bitching on her too, Kristie says : 

"Just wanted to know how your insertion on the team is doing" 

I won't apologize to that bitch, tho.  

"Everybody but you have been welcoming, so I guess it's doing great" Kassey lets out, raising her eyebrows at the girl. She then smirks. "Thank you for asking, boss." 

"Look, I've been patient enough..." Kristie starts in an aggressive tone. Okay, it's only been two seconds, but it's too much already. "... you and I are not friends and will not be, but we have to cope with each other in order for the team to function, so stop with those bitchy lines already, got it ?"

When Kassey realizes that Kristie is dead serious she nods.

"Very well" the blonde lets out, but after that she can't restrain herself from getting closer to Kristie, putting a hand in the hollow of her back. She then puts her mouth closer to the middy's ears and whispers : "But you need to stop making out with me while drunk in the freaking afternoon, Mewis."

Before Kristie can respond, Kassey is already walking toward her friends, as the captain only frowns. 

Steph appears next to her, with the same facial expression. 

"What was that all about ?" the brunette asks, knowing that something weird is going on. 

"Nothing" Kristie lies, her eyes still on Kassey. But then, she turns her head to face Steph, who doesn't believe any word she is saying. "Whatever, we should get going before I cut that bitch's throat."

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