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When Sam wakes up, she immediately regrets everything. 

Lucy's arm is around her waist, as the defender is still very much asleep, breathing heavily. Sam tries to recollect the memories : they kissed, had sex, and... pretty much had sex. This is the worse idea ever, Sammy. Her thoughts becoming too overwhelming, the middy tries to put Lucy's arm off her, but every time, the defender puts it right back, this time on her leg. 


After finally being able to get out of the bed, Sam walks on her own clothes and slips on the ground, naked, in a big noise. That immediately wake Lucy up, who jumps a little bit, before sitting down on the bed. Realizing that they both are naked and hidden in blush, the Brit puts a cover on her body, while Sam covers hers. 

The Brit is waiting for Sam to talk, so the blonde says : 

"U-uhm... This is unfortunate"

Lucy frowns. 

"N-not the exact word I would have used, but yeah..." she lets out in a shy voice. 

After another thirty second gone by of only them looking at each other - basically eye-fucking each other - Sam asks : 

"Can I ask you something ?"

"S-sure, I g-guess" Lucy stammers. 

Damn it, get it together, the Brit thinks to herself, staring at Sam.

The middy, on the other hand, looks like she is about to pass out. She puts a cover on her body too, before asking her question : 

"If you, uhm... had to rate my... performance, yesterday... Uhm, this is embarrassing..." 

Lucy's eyes go wide. 

"W-wait, does that mean..."

"Just answer the freaking question...."

As if that moment wasn't awkward enough at the moment, Kristie chooses this moment to open her sister's dorm door in a hurry. 

As soon as she sees what is going on, she picks up Lucy's clothes and throws them at her, while Sam is just getting up. After throwing a despising look at her sister, who is still naked, the blonde rolls her eyes and hands her clothes too. As Lucy is only in panties and bra, Kristie grabs her arm and drags her all the way to the door, before pushing her outside and closing the door. 

The Brit hears the two sisters yelling at each other, as she is freezing just outside of the dorm. 

And as if it wasn't embarrassing enough for her, Leah Galton and Carson Pickett choose this exact bad timing to walk toward their own dorm. As soon as they see the brunette half-naked and panicking, putting her clothes back on, Leah bursts into laughter. 

She then says : 

"I knew you guys were totally about to fuck"

Lucy blushes. 

When the girls hear the screams from Sam's dorm, they both smirk, before the door opens again. Sam comes out of it, teary-eyed. She doesn't even look at Lucy, avoiding her gaze, before running away, her bag in hand. 

Kristie, when she comes out of the room as well, immediately walks toward the Brit, before slapping her pretty hard. Hard enough for a big noise to come out of it, before Lucy puts her hand on her cheek. 

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