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Kristie and Kassey enter the room, as the Boston native turns the light on.

On a table in the middle of the room, there are bottles of champagne, as well as things to eat. Kassey frowns, not sure what Kristie wants to make her understand. But she doesn't have to wait long, because she lets out :

"See that ?"

Kassey raises her eyebrows.

"I'm not blind, so yeah."

"This is, dear teammate that I hate, tomorrow's party setting if we win, and I count on you not to let me drunk alone, because we both know where that lead me."

"Is that like a 'peace party' or some shit ?" Kassey asks, curious.

"No, I just wanna drink."

With that said, the blonde gets out of the room.




After a rough game where they were lead 1-0 until the 89' minute, Lindsey gave her team the equalizer on a set piece.

Everybody had some playing time, but being drawed at home always sucks. But the team is pretty happy with that last-minute goal, and so is Hao : after congratulating the team, she offered everybody to go and celebrate this, because 'life is too short not to drink'. So the team heads where Kristie set up a party.

But Lindsey remains pretty nervous, and when she claims to Sonnett that she has to call her mother, her friend doesn't really believe her. But she doesn't want to upset her more, so she just gets inside with the others.

The middy has been sitting on a rock on her own for the last hour, hearing her teammates celebrating their draw, dancing and singing. But she is not in the mood : she knows the clock is ticking, and that Hope Solo will come after her and her dark past.

When the door opens, Lindsey wipes her tears away. Madalyn Schiffel and Rachel Daly get out, sober, and come and sit down next to her.

"You don't look fine, so there's no need to answer that when I ask you how you're doing" Rachel lets out in a confident voice.

Lindsey frowns.

"Listen, it's not that I don't like you guys, but..."

"No, you listen : we're in this together, Horan, so you better tell me what's on your mind." The British girl exclaims.

You need to come up with something, the middy thinks to herself, as her two teammates are waiting for a good answer. Something real. Lindsey shakes her head, sighing, before saying :

"It's about Megan..."

"Knew it !" Rachel goofily exclaims, but Mads hits her in the ribs. "I mean, what about her ?"

Lindsey blushes.

"Well... I kinda have an huge crush on her, but she'll never like me back because her girlfriend is amazing and kind and very good for her." The middy says.

Her two teammates exchange a look, before the goalie says :

"That sucks, I'm sorry Linds."

"It's okay" Lindsey lies, shaking her head. "It's just that... I don't want to be in the same room than her for too long because I'm scared I'd try something stupid."

"I understand"

There is a blank, before Rachel says :

"You know, I think..."

But she is interrupted by their teammates going out of the little local to actually go and celebrate in a night club downtown. Lindsey is kind of forces to go with the flow by Sonnett and Jane, who drag her with them.

I need to avoid Megan.


Kristie smirks.

"Thanks for helping me clean" she lets out, speaking quite slowly because of the big amount of alcohol in her veins. She and Kassey are now getting the bottles out of the lobby in order to be done with cleaning. "How about..."

"You know what ?" Kassey cuts her, smirking as well. "I think we deserved to drink that last bottle, don't we ?"

"You got me at 'drink'"

The two girls laugh, and Kristie is surprised by the fact that she can handle the blonde's presence when she's drunk.

Kassey leans against the wall, bottle in hand, while Kristie sits down on the table. She starts drinking, handing her teammate the bottle. Kassey takes come big sips, feeling nervous. The defender then winks at Kristie.

She then laughs.

"What ?"

"I think alcohol is the only way to make us get along" Kassey jokes, taking another sip before handing Kristie the bottle.

The plan is to fake drinking, and then make Kristie drink. Kassey would be lying if she said she didn't feel bad about all that, but Hope's orders were very clear : she needed to get Kristie to fall in love with her - which basically is Mission Impossible because Kristie never catches feelings for anyone - but kind of is on the right track.

The blonde smiles because of what she just said.


The two girls continue drinking for a while, until Kassey grabs her courage with her two hands and walks toward Kristie.

The middy is clearly too wasted to even pretend she doesn't find her attracting, which makes Kassey's job easier. She takes some deep breaths, before putting her 'seducive bitch face' on, putting her hands on Kristie's legs. As she is pushing them away from each other, before grabbing Kristie's hips and pull her toward her, gluing their bodies together, Kassey realizes Kristie is looking down at her lips.

She bites her own lips. That's it, then.

As Kristie's hands are caressing Kassey's jaw, inviting her to come closer, the blonde gets on her toes and makes their noses touch, and then gets even closer, but doesn't kiss Kristie. She feels the middy's hands caressing her back, and her warm breath brushing her face, taking hers away. Focus, Kass. She tightens her grip on Kristie, before closing the gap in between them.

They first have sex on that very table, before Kassey offers her to go to her room and lock the door in case of their teammates would get home sooner than expected. So they do it all over again in Kassey's room.

When Kristie is asleep by her side, Kassey takes her phone in her hands. She then types to Hope : it's done, Mewis is down. But something in her just deletes the message, as she shakes her head thinking SHIT, while looking at Kristie, innocently lying down naked by her side. Kassey then shakes her head : what Hope doesn't know can't upset her.

So she wraps an arm around Kristie's, cuddling against her back, before falling asleep as well.

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