596 31 26

3:45 am

The party is still going strong, and the girls are very far from being tired. Except for Shelina and Becky who got offered a night in a luxurious hotel for their wedding by Labbé, Kop and Julie, everybody is still here.

Well, some people more than others - *cough* the hookups *cough*.

Sam, after checking on her sister, who is currently dancing, most of the time losing her balance and ending up in Kassey's arms - well, she probably does that on purpose - is walking toward the bar. I need some more drinks if I want to be able to keep my patience with all the drunk people, she thinks to herself, before asking for a Bailey's. 

She spots Danny and Sofia kissing in the middle of the dance floor, too drunk to actually care about the next morning yet, and then Sonnett and Gibby on a couch, also making out. Jeez, what's up with the hookups tonight ? Hopefully, Lucy won't find anybody else than me to kiss, right ?

Speaking of which, the Brit makes her way to Sam, a wide smile on her face. Her glasses are almost falling down her nose, and her eyes are weird : she is also wasted, more than Sam has ever seen her be. 

"Babeeeeee" Lucy calls, losing her balance, before actually reaching for Sam. She then faces her, putting her hands on Sam's lap. "I missed you, where were yoooou ?" 

The middy smirks. 

"Lucy, I haven't seen you all night."

"Right, right" the defender lets out.

But the big smirk on her face indicated Sam - who is not really her girlfriend because of the distance they're gonna have between us for a while - that she's not done. When she gets closer in order to kiss her, Sam puts her finger on the Brit's lips.

Lucy frowns, and that makes Sam giggle. 

"Okay, we're going to our room" the blonde orders, knowing that she'd be either tired in less than an hour, or that they'd start dancing around and make a fool of herself. "C'mon."

"But, babeeee...."

I love when she calls me that, Sam thinks to herself, before getting up and grabbing Lucy's hand, kissing her cheeks. 

"Trust me, this is for your own good"

Lucy smirks. 

"Look at you being all protective and shit" she lets out, biting her lips. 

That makes Sam look down at them and suddenly want to kiss the brunette. She restrains herself from doing so, still not ready to have a make out session in front of her sister, who is keeping an eye on her little sister, as always. 

Sam grabs Lucy's hand with an insisting look. 

"Come on" she patiently repeats. She then gets closer and whispers : "Trust me you won't regret it, because you're very hot tonight."

The defender's eyes flicker, and she doesn't have to be told that twice.

"You know I'd always chose to go with you rather than everybody else" she then breathes out, before following Sam out of the room. 

So little time to make count, Sam thinks to herself, before kissing Lucy with passion as soon as they enter the room. 

This time around, she's the one in charge. 


4:03 am

Moe is drunk. 

Moe is also pretty confident when alcohol floats in her veins.

Moe can sometimes be inconsistent. 

Moe wants Cari.

So Moe is about to kiss Cari. 

Taking a deep breath, the midfielder walks toward the brunette, who is having a conversation with Lindsey, before gently pushing one of her besties away and grabbing Cari's arm to drag her somewhere quiet. 

Once they're here, Cari frowns. 

"What's up ?"

"Uhm, there was something I wanted to do, but right now I'm being a coward so I'm going to do that some other time, okay ?"

"Uhm, sure ?"

Moe walks away. 

Moe is drunk.

But not desperate. 

We've still got time.


6:46 am

Olivia and Kelsey, soon followed by Kassey and Kristie, are the last people to leave the party room to get to bed. 

Allie, Kelley and Tobin are talking in a balcony, but apart from that, the whole hotel is silent, and the sound of the waves against the sand is making noise. 

Two more days before going back to the NWSL.

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