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One week later

After handing Baby Freya to Kop, who has been all over the place the past week, supporting Julie the best that she could, Kristie gets out of that hospital room to walk toward Kassey's. Still no sign of getting out from the coma, but everybody is hopeful : my girl is fighting. And that thought is the most important one. 

But then, she sees Lucy Bronze going out of Kassey's room, and angrily walks  toward her. 

That bitch. Making sure that nobody is around, Kristie grabs Lucy's collar with one hand, making sure she hits the wall hard. The Brit is trying to defender herself, but the blonde is just too determined to be stopped. So she just decides to let the storm pass.

"You were working for Hope" Kristie hisses. 

"Wait, did Sam tell you ?" Lucy asks, frowning. 

"My sister talks in her sleep" the blonde says in the exact same tone she used before, setting her jaw, not releasing her grip. "I thought you knew that already, since you're trying to use her and get her in your bed."

Lucy frowns. 

"What ? No, I-"

"Shut up and stay the fuck away from my sister otherwise..."

This time around, Lucy manages to get Kristie's hand off of her, pushing her away a little bit. She is very calm, but her eyes are throwing daggers at the blonde. 

"I like Sam, okay ? I wouldn't hurt her." she then says, serious. 

Kristie shakes her head. 

"That doesn't take away the fact that you had to seduce her for Hope" she points out, utterly angry this time. 

"You don't get it..."

"No, you don't understand" Kristie hisses, claws out. "Sam doesn't deserve to be treated this way, especially from a total stranger who has caused nothing but bad luck around her since she got here. So stay away from her."

"Or what ?"

Lucy's sassy and powerful tone makes Kristie falls into silence : she sees in the brunette's eyes the determination she has got, as well as the strength in her that doesn't seem to ever vanish or something. 

Kristie looks at her, before smirking. 


"Yeah, right." Lucy lets out, rolling her eyes. 

The blonde doesn't like that, so she says : 

"I swear on Sam's head that if you ever hurt her, I will strangle you with those ugly curtains in your dorm."

"Eh" the Brit says, offended. "Those were my grandma's !"

Kristie can't hold a laugh back. Shit, we could actually be friends if she wasn't trying to play my sister

"Go away. Seriously."


Lucy, as the dork she is, slowly walks toward the corridor where some of her teammates are, turning around several time to mess with Kristie, who rolls her eyes before entering Kassey's hospital room.

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