Wisconsin part three

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"Don't ever minimize your influence"

We had some great speakers today that really inspired me. There's a lot of things wrong with this world, and I'm not okay with them nor have I ever been. I really kinda "adapted to my tank" and stopped myself from advocating for what I believe in based on my parents and the situation I'm in, and that is not something I'm proud of.

If I say I'm going to work really hard to put what I'm learning into practice, I feel like I don't. I really want to because I am severely passionate about social justice and fixing what is wrong in the world, but I also know that I can be complacent in what's happening around me.

The world is fucked up guys- really. And we just shrug it off? People are starving; I know everyone says that, but i dare you to let that sink in. We have enough food that people could eat nonstop during a day, while other people are starving. This has been going on for years- how have we not learned to better allocate our resources? And this is only one example of many.

Living in the USA really shuts us off from the horrors of the world, and it's easy to know that we're comfy as we are and not want to do anything to help others. But that's not how it should be.

The world is messed up.

6/25/17 11:39 pm our time, 10:39 here

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