Weak Heart

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So I've kinda always assumed that I'm super strong and nothing can hurt me- which hadn't exactly been proven wrong, but there is no evidence to point to that.

I haven't gone to the hospital or anything, and I'm fine. So don't worry about what I'm going to tell you, okay? I'm fine. I told my parents and were keeping an eye on it.

But as of today, my entire left side has been messed up. I feel really weak and it feels like my chest is tight kinda? It's hard to breathe and I have a shortness of breath and I've been feeling light headed haha. If I do anything, I get exhausted, and even simple things like moving my left arm takes all my energy. And it has been mostly in the left side of my chest and my left arm. More specifically, my shoulder was feeling it worse than the rest of the arm, but it seems to be moving to the elbow too and probably further.

So yeah, my left side of my chest, and my left arm are just feeling really weak today and taking up all my energy.

Which means I've been making jokes about me having a heart attack all day haha.

So I'm fine, don't worry. I just feel like something like this is worth documenting by writing down, especially if something does go wrong- which it won't.

Oh, I keep thinking it's getting better and then when it comes back it's worse haha. We'll see what happens.

All is well, no worries. Love you guys :)

2:37 pm 1/13/17

Ps. Friday the 13th? And I'm having *heart* (don't know if it's really the heart or what) problems? Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

Oh. And I have to work soon too. We'll see how this goes haha.

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