Steven Universe

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Gah! If you're a fan of this and you haven't seen the newest episodes (just came out on Memorial Day) then don't read this! Cuz spoilers man.

But holy cow!!! PINK LARS. My boy, who I have always loved dearly, sacrificed his life instead of running away from danger like he normally does!! And he had a fricking brutal death! Explosion, hitting a rock, and upon closer inspection it's safe to assume that his head was cut open by metal from the explosion. And he DIED. MY BOY DIED. And then!! He lives!!! But now my boy is pink and probably immortal and definitely trapped in a planet in outer space. But ahhhhhhh I LOVE HIM.

Anyways, I just got caught up in Steven Universe and I realized, yet again, how much I love that show. Lars is by far my favorite character, even though he was a complete douche at the beginning. Lots of love to this guys character arc, and his redemption arc.

If you don't watch this, I highly suggest that you do. Since I don't have cable, I watch it on Kisscartoon, but be careful cuz virus'. I think it might be on Hulu too, but I don't think the full 5 seasons are yet.

Anyways! I love my pink boy and I wanna be just like him.


1:34 pm 5/31/17

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