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After the war Harry felt guilty about Fred's death he didn't want to face the Weasleys in shame.  Hermione on the other hand felt that things between her and Ron. They had to yet talk about the kiss and all that is why she had asked Harry to stay with him. Harry had reluctantly agreed knowing he needed help cleaning around.

Now on top of that him and Hermione had to "house" someone that was "redeeming" because they fought in the wrong side, not by choice.

"Harry, have you eaten at all today?" Hermione asked worryingly.

"I'm not hungry Hermione, don't worry. I'll eat an apple if that makes you happy." Harry grabbed a green apple and took a bite out of it. "I hate green apples."

Hermione chuckled handing him a bowl of oatmeal instead. "Honestly Harry. Anyway, what do you think is going to happen with your relationship with Ginny?"

Harry sighed. "I'm lucky if she ever talks to me again. What about you and Ron?"

Hermione looked down at the table and sighed. "I don't  know, it's just confusing."

There was a loud banging on the door and what sounded like bickering. Both Hermione and Harry went to the door and found Draco and Theo standing arguing on the other side. Theo casted a silencing spell at Draco then turned to the 2/3's of the golden trio. "Potty, Granger. Well we are your 'redeemers' and so I am pared up with you Granger-"

"My bloody luck." Harry mumbled and walked off.

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