Chapter 7

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Ignore the girl.... that's how I picture Draco's hair

Draco woke up to the smell of cinnamon and honey. He opened his eyes and found a raven haired boy with his arms around Draco's waist. Draco tried his best to not smile and closed his eyes again and snuggled closer to Harry.

Harry opened his eyes when he felt the blond move closer. He smiled feeling happy that Draco was there with him in that position. It may had been an accident falling asleep together but Harry didn't regret it.

Suddenly the door flew open. "Honestly Harry. I've been knocking for a whilst now and you-" Hermione walked through the door and spotted them. Harry jumped up and away from Draco causing for Draco to panic and then falling on the floor. Hermione smirked and looked at them again. "You two slept without a blanket. Honestly you'll get sick!"  Draco groaned and got up from the floor, it was too early for him to care. Harry on the other hand blushed brightly. "Also, you promised me you would get up early on Tuesdays so you could go to the library for books with me."

"Sorry Mione. Let me just get dressed." Harry clumsy got his clothes and went to the bathroom.

Hermione turned to Draco who was getting his clothes. "What?" He asked.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "How do you feel? I saw the paper yesterday."

"I feel fine. I just have to write to my mum." Draco sat down on his bed.

"How did you sleep?" Hermione winked at him.

Draco's cheeks turned pink. "I slept fine." Suddenly covered his ears. "What was that bloody sound?"

"Are your wolf senses stronger?"

Draco nodded and rubbed his ears. "Don't tell anyone what you saw. Please. Only a small set of people know about my feelings and if my dad heard about this I would be disowned. He's good about family but he's really homophobic."

Hermione smiled at him. "I'm not going to tell anyone Draco. Don't worry and whatever happens you still have friends to rely on. Anyway I should go hurry Harry up!"

"No need I'm out." Harry said closing the bathroom door. When they walked out every person they saw would whisper or give Harry a weird look. "What's up with them?"

"I don't know." Hermione noticed that everyone had a newspaper. "I'll check it out." Hermione went to a group of students and asked for the paper. The students handed it willingly no wanting to mess with the golden girl. Hermione's eyes widened in panic and walked back to Harry. "Harry. Apparently I'm not the only one that saw you and Draco peacefully sleeping together." She turned the paper to him.

War hero and death eater boyfriends?!

Harry's heart raced and his cheeks turned bright red

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Harry's heart raced and his cheeks turned bright red. "He's not a death eater."

"You're missing the point. Skeeter was in your room. Also, you don't seem to be bothered that he was called your boyfriend." Harry's face reddened even more. "Come on." Hermione continued walking.

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