Chapter 20

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Narcissa looked up from her book and immediately ran to hug Draco. "Oh my boy," she cried holding him tightly.

After the shock, Draco wrapped his arms around his mother's unusual skinny waist. He would ask about what happened later. It took a second to realise his mother was dressed in normal muggle clothing and she looked good despite her unusual figure. "I missed you."

His mother sobbed lightly on his shoulder and Draco massaged her back comforting her. Narcissa looked up and wiped her eyes the placed her hand on Draco's soft face. Draco knew what she was trying to say, "I forgive you."

His mother smiled softly at him and looked over and Pansy. "Oh dear, it's great to finally see you again."

Pansy hugged Narcissa softly. "It's fantastic that you can join us for the holidays."

Narcissa looked over at Harry and smiled brightly. "Mr. Potter, thank you for everything you've done. I'm glad to see you'll be joining us."

Harry couldn't help but grin widely, "Mrs. Malfoy you don't need to thank me for anything and the pleasure is mine to spend the holidays here."

Andromeda smiled at her sister and ushered the three you down adults to unpack.

"Pans what room do you want?" Draco asked in the doorway of the bunk bed room.

"I'll sleep in this one, you and Harry are so used to sleeping together and it just seems selfish to sleep in the biggest bed alone." Pansy places the bags on the bottom bunk, "honestly, I prefer sleeping here. It's closer to Teddy in case of anything."

Draco nodded and went to the other room with Harry following him. He unpacked his clothes putting them in the closet leaving space for Harry's clothes. Harry placed some of his clothes and played around with Draco.

When they were all done both sat down on the bed, Draco on Harry's legs listening and enjoying the sound of his heartbeat. Harry hummed a Christmas song as he played with Draco's fingers.

Narcissa appeared in the doorway and knocked lightly. "Draco can I talk to you?"

Draco nodded and kissed Harry's cheek before sliding off of him and following his mother. They sat down in the kitchen with the doors closed around them.

"I need to tell you two thing that are really important and one of them involves Harry."

Draco bit his lip, "if you're against us I'm not going to break up with him. He makes me happy."

His mother shook her head lightly. "It's not about that, I can see he makes you happy. It's about something else, something more private and something I never thought I would tell you but expected to tell you. Our family has a curse."

Draco looked at her confused, "what type of curse?"


Draco walked to Harry red faced and simply hid his face into Harry's chest. "Are you alright Draco?" Draco didn't answer and that was a big sign to Harry that he didn't want to talk about it. "Can I at least know something?"

"My father didn't take me off his will. I can pay you back." Draco mumbled.

Harry shook his head and placed a finger in Draco's chin making him look up. "You don't have to pay me back, I'm here for you."

Draco got on his tiptoes and kissed Harry tenderly. "We're all going out to dinner. Get ready and wear something nice. I'm going to help Teddy get ready."

Harry kissed his again enjoying the liberty to just kiss him. "You're the most gorgeous person I've met, you make me so happy."

Draco blushed, "you make me feel so happy and I still can't believe that The Harry Potter saviour of the Wizard World is my boyfriend."

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