Chapter 4

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The week went by fast. Friday night Harry was sitting with Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Ginny at the Gryffindor table eating. Matt walked over to Harry and tapped him on the shoulder. "We're still on for tomorrow right?" He asked.

"Yeah." Harry answered and Matt walked away.

Luna shifted on her seat uncomfortably. "What's wrong Luna?" Ginny whispered towards her friend. Luna just hinted a look at Matt and Ginny glared at him. "I punched him a few times for calling you names right?" Luna nodded. Ginny turned to Harry once she saw that Matt was back at his table. "Why him?"

"I knocked him down and so I offered him a butter beer." Harry explained with sudden interest of his food.

"He's a bas-"

"Ginny!" Hermione scolded.

"He is!" Ginny defended. "He has called Luna names."

"And he pushed me down one time." Luna said grabbing Ginny's arm to prevent her from standing up. "You're going to get in trouble."

"Fine but if he does it again I'll beat him to oblivion." Ginny said putting her hair up. "And if he does anything wrong to you Harry don't hesitate."

"I know how to take care of myself Gin. I'm going up to eat." Harry walked away.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Luna said looking concerned at Harry.

"Us too." Ron frowned. "I tried talking him out of it but he's stubborn."

"I'm going o head on out to our dorm Ginny." Luna stood up and walked out silently being followed by Matt.

Draco followed both of them with his gaze. "I smell trouble." He said getting up and following Matt. He watched from the corner hidden as he approached Luna. "What the hell do you want with my cousin you bastard?" Draco asked himself in a whisper.

"Hello freak." He spatted at Luna.

"Hello Matthew." Luna tried to get pass him but failed.

Matt chuckled. "Don't play games freak. You better not tell your precious Harry about any of this to try to make him not go with me somewhere." He pushed her back.

"Don't Fucking touch her like that ever again!" Draco emerged from the shadow and pushed him to the wall.

"Look a death eater came to protect you. How pathetic. You hurt me in any way word will go around and bye bye redemption." Matt smirked.

Luna walked over to them. "He won't but I will."

Draco let go of his collar and Matt brushed his clothes down. "Sure you will. You're weak and pathetic."

"Anteoculatia." Luna casted and walked away with Draco. "Thank you."

Draco was about to respond but he sensed something coming towards them. Draco turned around and punched Matt knocking him out. "That felt good."

"Come on let's go before you get in any trouble." Luna advised pulling him along.

Draco walked with her to her dorm where Ginny was waiting impatiently. "Are you alright? What happened? Why do you have that scratch?" Ginny examined her for any other wound.

"Matt followed me and I tried taking a short cut but he caught up with me. He pushed me but Draco stepped in." Luna answered.

"Then she hexed him." Draco commented.

Ginny squealed. "Finally! Thank you for not leaving her Mal- Draco."

"Yeah well she is family. Bye." Draco walked off to his dorm and entered not bothering to say hi to Harry or goodnight before he plopped into bed.

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