Chapter 8

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Pansy, Astoria and Draco sat on the couches of the common room. Astoria was clipping Draco's nails and Pansy was filing them into shape. "I wanted to punch him so badly." Astoria admitted.

"He called me a death eater by accident." Draco commented sadly.

"Honestly Draco. What do you see in him?" Pansy asked. "He's an asshole."

"He's not asshole. He's actually really sweet and nice and funny." Draco defended. "Oh and Snape apparently left me money in case something happened."

"So you don't have to become a stripper." Astoria said.

"Yeah. Wait why am I the only one getting the manicure?" Draco asked.

Pansy sighed. "We are going to show Potter what he's missing. I also have a facial for us and tomorrow we'll do your hair. I invited Granger to sit with us and so Weasley will come along. That leads Potter towards us and you are going to flirt with two Slytherins that offered help."

Draco looked at his friends with a weird look. "Is this what you did to get Blaise to notice you?"

Astoria laughed. "She did more actually. She worked her curves into it."

Pansy nodded, not even blushing. "I wanted him to see what he as missing out."

"So I'm just going to show him my worth? That's nice." Draco relaxed and let them work the magic.

They made facials, hair treatments, and lasting they gave Draco a pore strip that Hermione had given Pansy when she asked for one. She knew how Pansy took care of her face so it was a way to bond with her better. They all went to sleep and then in the morning the girls attacked him with makeup. "What the hell?"

"Hush child." Astoria said applying some makeup.

"We are just accenting your beauty. Besides it's not noticeable." Pansy reassured.

After a whilst Draco looked in a mirror. His jaw line looked sharper, his cheek bones shaped his face and the best thing was how his hair looked. "I was already hot but now I look like a Greek god."

The girls chuckled and hooked elbows with him. They walked out and got in a triangle formation with Draco being the head. As they walked into the Great Hall people kept looking at him like there was a new aura around him. Pansy and Astoria smiled at each other knowing their plan had worked when they saw Harry glance over at Draco and kept a blushed. Draco had made sure to sit where Harry could clearly see him.  Pansy sat down next to Blaise and smirked. "Potter can't stop looking at you Draco."

Draco looked up to meet Harry's forest green eyes. Draco smirked and winked at him before turning his attention back at his friends. "This is bloody brilliant." He exclaimed.

"We know." Both Pansy and Astoria said in unison.

Hermione, Ginny and Luna went over and sat down with them. "I see that you got a special treatment." Ginny pointed out.

"Don't worry Draco, it's just a matter of minutes before Harry and Ron come over." Luna smiled at her cousin brightly. "I hope you feel better today."

"I certainly am feeling better." Draco grabbed a bagel and put cream and strawberries on it not noticing that Harry and Ron had sat down shortly after. Harry was left to sit in front of Draco so that they would have to make a conversation. Draco looked up and raised an eyebrow at the raven boy before taking a bite of his bagel.

Ron got some toast bacon and eggs for him and Harry and Hermione groaned in protest. "No. Eat fruit first." She got plain yogurt for her and her two friends. Hermione then put some granola on each and then prepared hers with blackberries, apple, and raspberries. On Ron's she put strawberries, purple grapes, and pear. Lastly on Harry's she got grapes, kiwi, and apple. "After you finish this you can eat anything else you want. Honestly, you two need to eat fruit."

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